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25- Sweetness

Early Winter

"Hey, Panna."

Pan smiled as she finished up his present and turned around to greet him. A small shriek escaped her lips as she looked at him, and he blinked in surprise.

"You cut your hair!" She gasped. Trunks' hair was as short as it had been when they first met. "I haven't seen it this short since we first met!"

Trunks smirked as he walked over to her. "My Eomma has been chasing me with scissors since Summer. I figured it was time."

Pan grinned and reached up to run her hands through his silky locks. "This brings back memories of when we first met," she giggled. "Do you remember?"

"Of course," he nodded. "I saved you from slipping off those rocks, and you were charmed by my quick reflexes and strong muscles," he smirked.

Pan snorted as she removed her hands from his hair. "Happy birthday," she leaned up on the tips of her toes to kiss him. "I have a present for you," she told him.

She walked over to her sewing machine, where she had been working and picked up the bracelet. It was a dark leather bracelet that had two thin strips that were wound together tightly. Four little lava stones rested in the middle of it. Pan reached out and grabbed Trunks' right hand before tying the bracelet around his wrist.

"It's said that lava stones are for strength, protection, and courage. If given to you by someone that cares about you, then it will work even more," Pan smiled as she finished tying the bracelet.

"Wow," Trunks raised his wrist to look at the bracelet. "We don't have these kinds of stones on Vegeta-Sei," he said with a soft smile. "Thank you, Panna-" he leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Do you have plans tonight?"

"No," she shook her head.

"Would you like to have supper with my family tonight?" He asked softly. "My Appa and Radtiz, Endou's Appa, won't be there, but my Eomma, Bulla, and Endou will be."

"I would love to!" Pan grinned. "But you know, I still haven't met your Appa," she pouted slightly. Tonight would be the third time she visited Vegeta-Sei, and she still hadn't met the king.

Trunks let out a small chuckle. "Does that bother you?"

Pan's pout deepened. "Everyone says you look like your Appa, so I'm curious," she mumbled.

Trunks laughed and shook his head as he leaned over to kiss her forehead. "Trust me, once you meet him, he'll become the biggest pest you know."


Trunks honestly wasn't sure how he ended up in this situation. Pan had come with him to Vegeta-Sei to eat supper, and the meal had been excellent. His Eomma and Bulla didn't share any embarrassing stories thankfully. After supper, Trunks offered to walk Pan around for a little bit, and before he knew it, they were in his room.

The two times Pan had been on Vegeta-Sei before Trunks had been careful not to bring her to his room. It wasn't that he didn't want her in there; he did, and that was the problem. He had had too many dreams of them in his room and especially on his bed.

So the sight of Pan wandering around his room as she looked around and smiled was sending Trunks' heart almost into overdrive. It was as if the universe was giving him a present on his birthday, and he shuddered slightly.

No, he would behave. He would always behave when it came to Pan.

"Why do you keep grinning?" Trunks asked Pan curiously. She was looking at his room like she had entered some type of wonderland, and it made Trunks' gut twist.

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