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8- Friends


"That wasn't funny," Trunks said as he arrived in the opening.

"What wasn't?" Pan glanced up from her book and grinned innocently.

"The flowers," he sighed. He walked over to her and took the seat beside her. "I'm lucky my Appa didn't see me."

Pan gasped as her eyes widened. She hadn't even thought of that! "Would you have gotten into trouble?"

"No," Trunks' lips twitched in amusement. "I just would have been asked several questions. Questions that I can't answer honestly."

"Oh," Pan sighed in relief. No one knew about her meeting Trunks either so she understood the need for secrecy. "I'm really glad you keep coming back," she told him honestly. "It's nice to have a friend."

"Are we friends?" He asked with a blink.

Pan felt her eyes widening and her stomach dropping. Perhaps she had gotten a little ahead of herself and was assuming something when Trunks didn't feel the same way. "I would like to think so," she told him. "That is if you'd like to be."

"Yeah," he whispered and Pan felt herself relaxing. "What were you reading?" He looked at the book on her lap.

"Oh, just an old book I found from the library," she told him. "I was hoping we would have something on Vegeta-Sei, but I didn't see anything," she frowned.

"Why would you want a book about Vegeta-Sei?" Trunks asked with furrowed brows.

"I'm curious about it," Pan mumbled. She had always been curious about it, but since meeting Trunks, her curiosity grew.

He let out a small snort. "Panna, you're friends with the Prince, aren't you? Don't you think you could just ask him?"

"You don't mind?"

"Not at all," he said. "As long as you don't ask me for government secrets," he teased.

Pan smiled, "I'll save the government secrets for later."

He laughed and it was a sound that sent warmth throughout Pan. "What would you like to know?"

"You said Vegeta-Sei had two suns, right?"

"Yeah, the first one to rise, and the smallest is Chisana Hoshi," Trunks said. "It's not very bright but when it starts to rise, there's a hue of redness that covers the land. Thirty minutes after Chisana rises, Kagayaku Hoshi rises. It's Vegeta-Sei's main source of sunlight. I would say it's about the same size as the Earth's sun.

"My Hyung told me once that Kagayaku used to be the only sun Vegeta-Sei had, but he grew very lonely. His loneliness was so severe that he threatened to kill himself or to burn himself out if he didn't get a companion. The Kais heard his plea though, and they granted him someone who would stay by his side forever."

"Chisana?" Pan raised a brow.

"Yes," Trunks nodded. "That's why we have two suns, or at least, that's what my Hyung told me," he grinned.

"I love the story," Pan smiled. "It's romantic."

Trunks let out a snort, "I guess in a way it is."

"Trunks, there's something I've been curious about. I heard that Saiyans get special powers during the full moon. Is that true?"

Trunks let out a small laugh. "We don't gain any special powers, but I guess you could say we get a boost of power. We're usually our strongest on a full moon."

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