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45- Growth

Early Winter

Pan let out a heavy sigh as she rested her head against Trunks' arm and watched Takehiko and Takara sleep. She couldn't believe how beautiful they were.

A week had passed since they had arrived, and already Pan and Trunks' world had changed completely. There was no going back now, or even wanting to. Their children were everything to them.

Takehiko and Takara's favorite things to do were eating, sleeping, and being held. Pan assumed that it was pretty typical for most newborns. Still, it was so cute when Takara would pucker her lips when hungry, and how Takehiko would suck his thumb while he slept.

"Come," Trunks' voice was gentle as he reached down and grabbed Pan's hand. He gave it a gentle squeeze and led her over to their bed, which was a few feet away.

If they were lucky, they would get a few hours of sleep before one or both babies woke up hungry. They got in the bed quietly, and soon they were laying down. Pan's head rested on Trunks' arm as he held her. His eyes were closing as he stroked her back.

"Trunks," Pan whispered.


"Will you teach me how to fight?"

Trunks' eyes opened up. "What do you mean?" He raised an eyebrow. "You already can fight. You're one of the strongest people I know."

"No, I don't," Pan shook her head. "Not really. Every time I have fought, it's been that power inside of me. Although last time I was aware of it, I wasn't the one controlling it. I don't want to rely on that power all time. What if one day it stops working? I want to be able to protect the ones I love, Trunks-" she reached out and caressed his face. I don't know how this body of mine would hold up in training, but I haven't been sick in a long time. I think it's a sign saying that everything will be okay now. Even if I can't learn all the things others can do, I want to try at least."

"You've changed," Trunks said quietly.

Pan leaned back and looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

"When I first met you, you were cautious and so unsure about yourself. You were shy and timid. But you've grown to be quite confident these last few months."

Pan did feel more confident. She used to think that there was nothing special about her. That she was simply a weak person who go sick often. Now though, she knew there was this power inside of her that she could use to protect the ones she loved.

"Is that a good thing or bad?" Pan asked.

"Good," Trunks smirked. "Definitely good," he nodded. "I fell in love with the shy and gentle human you were, but as I've watched you grow into this strong and confident Saiyan, I have fallen even more in love with you," he said gently. He reached up and caressed her warm face as he smiled. "I love you, Panna."

Pan let out a breath as she smiled at him. "I love you too, Trunks."

He leaned down and kissed her for a few short moments before he pulled away. "If you want to learn how to fight, I will teach you," he said. "But, let's wait a few months so you'll have plenty of time to rest since you just gave birth. And, Grandpa has to approve it, too."

Pan pooched out her lips slightly. She adored Dr. Briefs and knew he always had her best interest at heart. She would just have to prove to him that she was capable of handling training. Pan wouldn't be the sick princess- not anymore.

Early Spring

Trunks grinned as he watched his grandfather make faces as Takara and Takehiko as they sat in his and Pan's lap. It had just turned spring, which meant that Takehiko and Takara had been around for one season already. Trunks couldn't imagine his life without his children.

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