A Mischievous Prince

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21- A Mischievous Prince


Pan's first day on Vegeta-Sei had been fantastic. The festival had been everything she had dreamed it would be, but her favorite part had been watching the fireworks with Trunks. Her face grew warm as she thought about their kiss, and she smiled to herself.

After Trunks had dropped Pan off at Bulla's room, she didn't have much time to linger on the kiss. Bulla was back from the festival, and the two girls had stayed up until almost dawn chatting. Pan was so happy to find out that she and Bulla got along so well.

Pan had eaten brunch with Bulla and Trunks on a balcony over the gardens. The suns were growing higher in the sky, already making the day warm. After they had finished eating, Bulla dashed off, leaving just Trunks and Pan. Trunks said the best time to visit the markets was in the afternoon once it started cooling down. So, since they had several hours to spare, Trunks was showing her some more of the castle.

Pan still hadn't seen Trunks' room. She was trying not to let it bother her, but she wanted to see it. Trunks was all the time relaxing in her room. It wouldn't hurt for her to see his, would it?

They were walking down the hallway, their hands brushing against each others a few times before Trunks' grabbed her finger with his and linked them with a smirk. Pan's cheeks grew warm as she met his eyes. It was obvious that he didn't care who in the castle saw them.

"Prince Trunks-" a servant rushed up to them and bowed. "The King is requesting to see you."

"What?" Trunks' eyes widened. "What for?"

"I do not know, Your Royal Highness-" the servant bowed again. "His Majesty is in his study."

Trunks let out a heavy sigh and looked over at Pan. She gave him a gentle smile, already knowing that he didn't want to leave her by herself. "I'll be okay," she promised.

"Tell my Appa that I'll be there shortly," Trunks told the servant. He let go of Pan's finger before he grabbed her hand. "C'mon, there's someone I want you to meet," he said. "Though, this might be a horrible idea-" he muttered under his breath.


Pan rocked on her feet as she waited underneath a shaded patio near the training grounds. Trunks had ran off to grab someone who would keep Pan company while he talked to his father.

"Huh?" Pan heard a man's voice. Though the voice was deep, it had a childlike, cheerful tone to it. "What are you going on about?"

Pan heard Trunks huff. "My Appa wants to see me, and I have company. I would like it if you would keep her -"

"Her?!" The voice shouted. "Trunksie! Did you bring a girl here?!" 

Pan bit her bottom lip in amusement. Trunksie?

"Endou, shut- COME BACK HERE!"

Pan gasped, as a tall man suddenly rounded the corner. He had dark hair that was pulled up into a messy bun. His dark eyes were wide as he looked at Pan, and she couldn't help her eyes from mirroring his. There was something familiar about this man, but she couldn't place it.

"Endou!" Trunks was there a second later as he shoved the man to the side.

"Is this her?" Endou asked as he motioned to Pan.

"Yes," Trunks let out a small sigh. "This is Pan. Panna, this is Endou. I know he seems a little slow, but he's a great soldier."

"I am Trunks' here right-hand man and best friend!" Endou stated proudly as he wrapped an arm around Trunks' shoulders. "Isn't that right, Trunksie?"

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