The Reaper

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I have been waiting to write this chapter since I first started the re-write and I'm so excited to finally be posting it!! Eep!!

41- The Reaper

Early Fall

Pan smiled as she watched her family laugh. They were huddled together in one of the libraries celebrating her birthday. She was nineteen years old, and she couldn't believe how much had changed in her life over the last year. Her and Trunks were married and expecting. Her father was back, and so was Trunks' uncle. Everything was how it should be.

"Are you okay?" Trunks asked Pan.

"Yes," she smiled at him. "I was just watching our family." She loved them all so much.

"Yeah, they're a mess," Trunks smiled fondly. "Just wait until the baby comes," he chuckled.

Pan laughed as she rubbed her stomach. A strange flutter went through her. Her stomach felt warm.

Dread filled Pan. Cold sweat was gathering on her back. She gasped loudly as she straightened her back.

"Panna?" Trunks called to her worriedly.

Pan's vision faded. Splotches of bright reds, oranges, and yellows covered her vision until there was nothing but images of ashes. Ruins of an army. Screams of agony and terror, and a ruthless smirk.

Pan was screaming as she came out of the trance. Trunks had her shoulders, and his eyes were wide and fearful. The room that had been lively minutes ago was now quiet.

"Panna, are you okay?" Trunks asked.

Pan was shaking, and Bulla quickly handed her a glass of water. She gulped it down, her mouth feeling as if it were a barren wasteland.

"What was that about?" Goten asked softly.

"A vision," Pan croaked. A voice that didn't sound like hers spoke- "Frieza is coming, beware. He knows what we have done, and he's coming to burn the planet down."

Pan shook as her eyes widened. "He'll be here within the half-hour!"

The room grew still and quiet. Vegeta was the first to stand, and he seemed ill, but calm.

"Radtiz, Endou- go warn the soldiers. Get everyone you can. We're fighting for our planet."

"On it," Radtiz nodded before him, and Endou took off.

"Trunks, get the women to earth, and they will be safe there," he said.

It happened quickly for Pan. Marron and Bulla refused to be left behind and declared they would be fighting as well. Soon, Pan, Chi-Chi, and Bulma were swept away and taken to earth.

"Trunks," Pan croaked as they appeared on Earth. Her grip on his hand was tight, and she didn't want to let go.

Was what she saw an actual vision or a warning? Would Vegeta-Sei become ruins? She wanted to sob at the thought. Trunks and the others would be right in the middle of it all. The thought made Pan sick.

Trunks swallowed hard and cupped her cheeks. "Stay safe," he told her. "If something happens- you and our mothers run."

"Don't talk like that!" Pan cried in horror.

Trunks stroked her cheek gently before he leaned down and kissed her. All too soon, he was pulling away, and then he just disappeared.

Pan covered her mouth as she started to sob. She could feel her mother and Bulma by her side, but she couldn't look at them. What were they going to do?

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