Secrets Unraveled

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27- Secrets Unraveled

Late Spring


Pan turned her head just in time for blue curls to cover her vision. She gasped as she hugged Bulla back tightly. What was she doing on Earth?

"Bulla! Stop!" Came a huff from Trunks behind them.

"Hush," Bulla rolled her eyes as she leaned back to glare at Trunks. "You get to see her every single day! I haven't seen her since her birthday," she pouted as she pulled Pan's head against her cheek. "I've missed her."

Pan laughed, "I've missed you too, Bulla!"

Bulla beamed as she let Pan go and grabbed her hand. "Oppa has to go to a bunch of boring meetings today with Appa, so I talked him into bringing me here to spend the day with you. Is that okay?"

"Of course!" Pan nodded happily.

"Did you hear that?" Bulla asked Trunks with a grin. "I told you she would be happy to see me!" She turned to Pan and frowned. "Oppa said that you wouldn't want me to stay."

"Stop being mean to your sister," Pan glared at Trunks.

He rolled his eyes, a hint of a smirk on his face. He leaned down and kissed Pan's forehead and ruffled Bulla's hair. "I'll be back in a little bit," he promised before he disappeared.

Pan turned to look at Bulla, who grinned. "Want to see my dresses?"

"I was so hoping you would say that!" Bulla squealed as she squeezed Pan's hand.


Bulla was on cloud nine. Pan had so many dresses, and she even made many of them! Bulla had tried on several and had told her to keep all the ones she adored.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Bulla asked gently as she traced the lacy fabric of the red dress she was wearing.

"Of course," Pan smiled from her spot on the chair in her closet. "I still have all those dresses you gave me from Vegeta-Sei," she pointed to the side of her closet. "I think it's only fair we swap out every once in a while."

"I would love that!" Bulla beamed. She couldn't wait to show her Eomma all the dresses she would be bringing back.

There was a small chime overhead, and Bulla glanced up suspiciously. Pan laughed and got up from her seat. "Would you like a snack? That's just the chime that the maids send me when the afternoon snack and tea is ready."

"A snack does sound good," Bulla smiled as she looked arms with Pan.

As they walked towards the dining room, Pan showed Bulla the castle. It was completely different from her palace on Vegeta-Sei. Still, it was beautiful.

"Hey, Panny!"

Bulla glanced up, and her eyes widened. A name almost tumbled out of her mouth before she bit her lip to stop herself. That man wasn't Goten, but why did he look so similar to him?! Bulla's eyes grew wider as the man came closer.

"Oh, you have a friend. Hello," he smiled at Bulla, and she felt herself growing cold. He had Goten's smile too.

She forced her lips to turn up and bowed her head. "Hello."

"Bulla, this is my brother, Gohan," Pan smiled. "Gohan, this is Trunks' little sister, Bulla."

"Really?" Gohan was still smiling like Goten, and he laughed. "That's awesome! I'm about to head into town. Mom and Yamcha are in South City, so-"

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