A Journey at Dawn

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58- A Journey at Dawn

Late Spring

Pan let out an irritated sigh as she paced on the top of the Dragons Den. Kalamity sat a few yards away, his head tilted in confusion as he watched her.

"Well, do you have any better ideas?" Pan muttered to him.

Kalamity gave a low rumble from his throat. Of course he didn't.

Pan raised her hand and started chewing on her thumbnail before she groaned and shook her hand free. Nahum's arrival was approaching quickly. Pan and everyone else had been busy training every day. To make matters more stressful, Pan wasn't sure about anything when it came to her powers. Sure she had them, but what would make hers stronger than Nahum's?

She needed to talk to Shenron or her ancestor, but neither of them was around anymore, which was why Pan had come to the Dragons Den, hoping to feel something that connected her with Shenron or her ancestor. But instead, she felt nothing.

Ta'lah kept telling her to meditate and look within, but all Pan could ever find was a scared little girl. Because that's what she was. She was terrified of failing because then everyone she loved would die. She was nauseous at the thought that her fate would be the same as her ancestor's. Would she leave her family too? The thought caused Pan's knees to buckle.

Pan fell to the ground with a grunt. Tears burned her eyes. Years ago, she had premonitions that her life was going to end. After the dragons arrived, she just thought that was it. But now she wasn't sure. What if that had been leading up to this? Would she have to give up her life?

She would do it in a heartbeat if it came down to it. Pan would do anything to protect the ones she loved. But how would she make sure Nahum came down with her?

Kalamity walked over to Pan and leaned against her with a soft whine. Pan leaned against him as well and let out a heavy sigh. She rubbed her eyes free from tears. She didn't have time to cry; she needed to think.

There was a gust of wind, and Pan felt Trunks and Crescent land. Trunks walked over to her and squatted down in front of her. He looked as exhausted as Pan felt. He had been training just as hard as she had. His tired blue eyes looked at her warmly and lovingly, and Pan felt herself trembling.

What had she been thinking earlier?! She couldn't leave Trunks! Or Takehiko and Takara! Her family needed her! She wouldn't fall into despair; she wouldn't fail like her ancestor did!

"Did you connect with anything?" Trunks asked gently.

"No," Pan frowned. "I think it's just up to me."

"No," Trunks shook his head. He stood up and held out his hand. "You're not alone."

Pan smiled and took his hand as he helped her up. He was right. She wasn't alone.

"Are you ready to go home?" Pan asked him. "I miss Take and Kara."

"Yeah," Trunks squeezed her hand. "Let's go."


Trunks felt sick and shaky. He had gone into countless battles while under Frieza's rule, and  he had never felt as nervous as he did now. He knew it was because he had so much to lose this time around.

He looked across the room where Pan sat on the bed, watching the twins sleep. Ta'lah had contacted them just an hour ago, informing them that Nahum would arrive just after sunrise. Quickly, Trunks and Pan moved the twins to earth, where they would be safe during battle.

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