A Glimpse

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42- A Glimpse

Early Fall

Pan frowned as she glanced around the empty halls. Where was everyone, and why was the castle so quiet?

She turned a corner, and her eyes widened at the sight of a young man and woman walking in front of her. There was something about the two of them that felt familiar, but Pan was positive that she had never seen them before.

"Excuse me," Pan said, but neither one of them turned like they heard her. She tilted her head slightly and sped up so she could get a better look at them.

The man was tall. His hair was a dark blue that was messy around his ears. The woman was only a little taller than Pan. Her dark hair was messy around her shoulders, and in the low light, Pan could see she had a dark purple hue to it.

There was a loud gasp. "Look at this!" The woman said as she turned and held up some of her cape. The man snorted as he clamped a hand over his mouth and tried not to laugh.

Pan's eyes widened as she looked at the two of them. They were teenagers! Probably a few years younger than her, and they were beautiful! The girl looked nearly identical to her, except for her blue eyes, and the man! He could have been Trunks if not for his hair and dark eyes.

"KJ burned this again!" The girl huffed. "That's it! I'm kicking him out of my room!"

"You say that, but you spoil him worse than Appa spoils KS," said the man.

The girl let out a huff and crossed her arms. "Little brothers are so annoying," she muttered as she glanced at him.

"I am not your little brother! I am your Oppa!" He declared. "I was born three minutes before you!"

"It doesn't count!" The girl shook her head quickly. "I was in Mama's stomach longer!" She stuck her tongue out.

"It does too count! I came out first!" The boy declared.

"What are you two fighting about now?"

Pan's face grew warm as she looked up to see Trunks walking down the hallway. He was older, but he still looked so handsome! Pan realized that this was a dream now, and the two in front of her were her children! They had to have been!

"Appa!" The girl ran over to Trunks and frowned. "Tell him I'm the oldest!"

"No! Appa, I was born first!" The boy declared as he ran up to Trunks as well.

Trunks let out a loud groan and turned back around. "It's been seventeen years. Can't you two stop arguing about that?"

"No!" The two said as they followed after Trunks, one on each side of him.

Pan smiled and followed after them quickly. She couldn't believe it. It was her and Trunks' children! They were still bickering with each other, and Trunks let out a sigh and held up his hands.

"Fine! Fine! During fall and winter, you're the oldest-" he pointed to the boy. "In the spring and summer, you're the oldest," he told the girl. "Half and half."

"Appa, that makes no sense," the girl muttered with a frown.

"It doesn't have to make sense for it to work," Trunks declared.

"Ha! It's fall! I'm the oldest!" The boy grinned.

The girl scowled, "APPA!"

"Panna!" Trunks flung open a set of large doors. "The children are aggravating me again!"

Pan rushed to follow them, but she gasped instead as she woke up. Her eyes found her and Trunks' ceiling, and she let out a small sigh. She had seen them- her children. She smiled and placed a hand on her stomach. She wasn't sure how she managed to get pregnant twice, but she was sure her pearls were responsible for it in a way.

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