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10- Dancing

Early Fall

"I'm not apologizing," Trunks said as he heard his bedroom door open.

He heard his father's sigh and he turned around to see Vegeta's unamused face. "I wasn't here to tell you to apologize to that damn cyborg," he said. "I wish I could have been the one to say it but your Eomma would have made me sleep on the couch for a week if I had."

Trunks snickered. "I figured that's who sent you."

"Unfortunately not," Vegeta muttered.

Trunks noticed the lines between Vegeta's brows and he frowned. He knew that look well. "Frieza's contacted you, didn't he?" He asked although he knew the answer.

"Yes," Vegeta nodded. "There's a raid on a planet a day's journey from here. It's a small planet. Shouldn't take you but a few hours to make them surrender."

Trunks let out a heavy sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. He had wanted to go and visit Pan to see how she was feeling but it would have to wait a few days now. When Frieza sent out an order of a raid it was not a wise decision to ignore it.

"Okay," Trunks told Vegeta. "I'll get ready."

Vegeta nodded slowly, "I'll send word to Radtiz and Endou."


"What happened next, Cha-Cha?" Pan asked with a grin.

"Well, just as that nasty space lynx charged towards me, I jumped right on its back!" Yamcha told her with an animated voice as he moved his hands around frantically. "It bucked like crazy trying to knock me off, but there's this spot in its hips and I was able to press my heels in there and calm it down. Turns out, he had a nasty thorn in one of his front paws and the medic on my team got it out. After that, it ran about to do its own business."

Chi-Chi who was sitting in a chair not far away from them let out a snort. "He's telling you stories, Panny," she told her daughter.

"Hey, these stories are true!" Yamcha told her. "Plus, Panny enjoys them, don't you?"

"Mhm," Pan nodded with a smile. "It must be amazing getting to go to all those planets," she told her uncle with a sigh. She was stuck on the Earth and she knew it. With her health like it was the chances of her getting to visit any planets were little to none because there would be no telling how the travel would affect her.

"It's nice," Yamcha nodded. "But my favorite place to be is home with everyone," he grinned.

"Panny," Gohan beamed as he walked into the sitting room where they all were. "I'm so glad to see you out of your room," he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

"Me too," she smiled. She had only been sick for a few days, which was drastically different than the normal week she usually had to suffer through when sick. Pan was sure it had something to do with the water Trunks had given her. Unfortunately, she hadn't had a chance to see him since that night. She figured he must have been sent on a raid so she needed patience.

"Panny, I just got done talking to the Royal Seamstress and your gown for your birthday ball is nearly finished," he told her with a grin.

Pan beamed in excitement. The Royal Seamstress was amazing when it came to gowns. Pan had spent many evenings in her office just watching her work and she hoped that one day she too would be good enough to make her own ballgown for a party.

"Also," Gohan continued as his grin smoothed out. "I, Uh, I invited some Lords from neighboring lands," he told her. "They're all about your age or so. I hope you can meet a few of them."

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