Back Again

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39- Back Again

Early Summer

"This-" Tarble croaked as he glanced around the infirmary. "We really are home, aren't we?" He shook.

"Hyung," Trunks reached out to him and hugged him tightly. "We thought you died. Frieza said, you died."

Tarble shook his head as he clutched Trunks tightly. "No, he's a twisted monster. He said my prison would be torment for you all."

"I knew you were still alive," Goten was saying as he hugged Goku tightly.

"I've missed you all so much," Goku sighed as he held Goten. "I have so many questions! How did you end up here?"

"I found that book you left behind," Goten sniffed. "And Gohan- he found it too, but he pretended like he didn't for a while. He's on earth, but he comes to visit, and Mom and Pan- they're here!"

"They are?" Goku gasped.

"Trunks?" Dr. Brief hobbled into the room, half-asleep. He had been staying on Vegeta-Sei mostly since Pan's pregnancy was so unusual. "What's-" he stopped when he saw Goku. "Y-you."

"Hi, old friend," Goku smiled at him.

"Grandpa," Trunks said. "This is my uncle," he squeezed Tarble's shoulders. "Can you check them over, please? They've had a rough few years."

"Of course," Dr. Brief nodded.

"Dad," Goten whispered. "Why did you stay there for so long?" He asked the question he had been wondering since he first found him. "Instant Transmission- you developed that technique. Why didn't you use it to escape?"

"I couldn't," Goku said slowly. He gasped, and his hand flew to the back of his neck. "Dr. Brief!" He rushed for him. "There's a chip in the back of my neck to stop me from using any ki. You have to remove it now! Or else they'll find me!"

Trunks watched with wide eyes as Goku scrambled to a table, and his grandpa rushed about to grab an operating knife. He glanced at Tarble and still couldn't believe he was seeing him. "Do you have one of those?" He asked.

"No," Tarble answered softly. "I wasn't a threat with Ki. Mine was with swords." He glanced at Trunks and smirked at the sword on his back. "I see you take after me."

Trunks smiled, "yeah. Appa will be so shocked to see you," he whispered. "I can't believe you were the other person," he let out a sigh.

Trunks felt it as soon as the chip was removed. The power radiating off of Goku was ground-shaking, literally. The castle shook for several seconds before Goku quickly lowered his Ki and sat up. He grabbed the chip from Dr. Brief and raised his Ki in his palm to explode it.

"Sorry," he apologized. "It's been bottled up for so long," he said.

"Do you think everyone's up now?" Goten asked Trunks.

"My Appa probably is, and he's probably going to kick my ass," Trunks winced.

"Yeah," Goten nodded. "My Mom probably is too."

"Your Mom," Goku smiled.

"I'll go get her, Dad," Goten smiled back.

"I better go meet my Appa. You two stay here and get checked out by Grandpa. We'll be back!" Trunks said before he rushed out the doors.


Vegeta grumbled as he marched down the hallway. Bulma was right behind him, asking a million and one questions. He didn't understand why she did that when she knew he was just as clueless! Still, that Ki has felt oddly familiar, like he knew it from somewhere.

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