A Bitter Goodbye

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26- A Bitter Goodbye


Trunks arrived in Pan's room to the sound of her tearing apart her closet. He stepped over to the open door and peeked inside and saw a mess of clothes lying on the floor. It had been about a week since she had recovered from her sickness, and Trunks was glad to see that she seemed to have so much energy.

"What are you doing?" He asked curiously.

"I'm looking for my winter stuff," Pan answered without even glancing his way. "It's snowing!" She grinned as she finally looked at him.

"So?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I want to go outside and play in it!" Pan said.

Trunks frowned and shook his head. "You just got over a cold. Don't you think you need to stay inside for a bit?"

Pan let out a scoff and waved her hand. "I haven't run any fever in over a week," she told him. "Plus, I'm gonna bundle up real warm."

Trunks let out a sigh and stepped into her closet. He picked up a hat from the floor and plopped it onto her head. "You better be layered up," he told her.

Pan giggled, "you're so bossy," she teased.

"I'm not bossy," he smirked. "I'm protective," he said as he leaned down to kiss her.


Pan ignored Trunks' knowing stare as she sniffed. She wasn't sick. She was just a little cold, that's all. After spending a few hours out in the snow, Trunks had forced her to come in to warm up. They went into a small study in the North Wing of the castle where a large sofa laid in front of a fireplace. Trunks started the fire, and Pan knew that soon, she would be growing warm.

"Here," Trunks handed her a cup a maid had just delivered.

"Ah!" Pan grinned as she took the mug of hot chocolate in her hands. She let out a sigh as she held it up to her lips.

"You know, with as excited as you get over food and drinks, one would think you're a Saiyan," Trunks chuckled.

"Do I?" Pan raised an eyebrow curiously.

Trunks nodded with a smile. "I can always tell when you're eating something you like. You smile, and sometimes you hum."

Pan felt her cheeks growing warm, but she smiled. "I appreciate good food. Where's your mug?" She asked.

"Here," Trunks moved his arm to show her the mug sitting on the table beside him.

"Did you get hot chocolate too?"

"That's too sweet for me," Trunks chuckled. "And I get plenty of sweetness from you," he smirked.

Pan's cheeks grew warmer, and Trunks wrapped an arm around her to pull her against his side. It was quiet as they enjoyed each other's company and their beverages. Pan had only drunk half of her hot chocolate before Trunks took it out of her hands since she kept dozing off.

Pan let out a peaceful sigh and snuggled down, so her head was resting on Trunks' lap. His hands were brushing through her hair and lulling her asleep. The fire was roaring in the hearth and crackling. The room was warm and cozy, and Pan wished the moment could last forever.

"Panna," Trunks whispered.

"Hm?" She hummed.

"I'm going to have to leave to go on a raid in two weeks."

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