Take My Hand

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36- Take My Hand

Early Spring

Pan smiled as she walked closer to her target. He was laid back against a tree, reading a book from one of the libraries. As quietly as possible, Pan snuck around the tree before she leaned over it.

"Hey, Han!"

Gohan jumped with a small gasp before he saw it was Pan. "Panny," he sighed as he closed the book he had been reading. "You scared me," he chuckled. "What are you doing?"

"I was looking for you, actually," Pan said as she sat down next to him.

"Me?" He blinked in surprise.

"Yeah," Pan smiled. "I've wanted to ask you something for a while now, but things kept happening and getting in the way."

Gohan smiled at her. "What is it?" He asked.

Pan knew she didn't need to be nervous, but for some reason, she did. She let out a small breath to calm her nerves. "Ever since Papa died, you've stepped up into the role of my father-figure. You're always there for me, Gohan, so I was hoping you would be the one to walk me down the aisle."

Gohan was silent for several seconds, and Pan was starting to get worried. "You want me to walk you?" He finally spoke.

"Yes," Pan nodded. "If you want to."

"I would love to," Gohan beamed.

Pan returned his smile. Everything seemed to be going great! The wedding was just a few days away, and Pan couldn't wait to marry Trunks!

Her stomach rumbling caused Gohan to laugh as he stood up. He helped Pan up and smiled, "Come on, let's go get a snack. I don't want my nephew or niece going hungry."

Pan laughed and took Gohan's arm as they walked inside the castle. They were almost at the kitchens when they spotted Marron. Pan almost didn't recognize her at first, her blonde hair was now a chocolate brown, and she had in green contacts. Her new appearance was something Pan was still getting used to.

"Are you okay?" Gohan asked her with a frown.

"I just spent four hours being poked by the seamstress for the wedding," Marron said with a small sigh.

"Sorry," Pan frowned. She had managed to talk Marron into being one of her bridesmaids, but since it was such short notice, the seamstresses were working like crazy.

"Don't be sorry!" Marron told her quickly. "I'm so happy that I get to be apart of your wedding. It's just my side is sore from the needles," she teased.

Before Pan could speak, a loud trill ran through the castle. There was something about the sound that made Pan straighten up in fear. She swallowed thickly and put a hand over her stomach as an uneasy feeling rose in the air.

"Panna-" Trunks appeared suddenly. His blue eyes were wide and fearful. He grabbed her shoulders with shaking hands.

"Trunks, what's going on?" She whispered.

"It's Frieza," Trunks' voice was hallow. "He's here in our atmosphere. Help be landing any minute."

Pan felt a cold shiver run down her back as she started to shake. She had never met the monster before, and honestly, she was terrified to.

"Gohan," Trunks looked at him. "Take Marron and Panna fo earth and keep them there until I come."

"Trunks-" Pan began. She didn't want to leave him! Even if she was terrified to see Frieza, she could see the fear in Trunks' eyes. He was even shaking!

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