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50- Appa


It had been weeks since the summit, and something had been bothering Pan ever since. Trunks wasn't sure what it was. His mate was good at pretending that everything was okay, but he could see the worry in her eyes.

Desperately, Trunks wanted to ask her what was wrong. What was it that had her so worried? But he didn't. Out of everyone that Pan was trying her best not to worry, Trunks was the biggest one she was trying not to show it to. So he pretended like he didn't know. She would tell him when she was ready.

A soft coo gained Trunks' attention, and he turned to look at his children. They were sitting on a blanket playing with toys. He smiled as he sat down with them. It was amazing how much they had grown. Both of them could sit up all by themselves, and they were working hard on pulling themselves up. Soon they would be walking.

"Hey," Trunks smiled at them. "When are you going to say Appa?"

Takehiko smiled at him. Two teeth were shinning proudly on his bottom gum. Takara clapped at him as she laughed. Her thick dark hair was in a ponytail on the top of her head that swooshed about as she moved.

"Come on," he said. "You can say it. Ap-pa," he said slowly.

"They already share your birthday," Pan said as she walked out of their bathroom. "I think if they say Appa first, I might just cry," she teased as she sat down with them.

"Do you hear that?" Trunks grinned at the twins. "You had best say Mama first."

Pan smiled, and Trunks felt his chest grow warm. She leaned over the twins and caressed his face with her fingertips.

Trunks beamed at her. "I love you too."

They played with the twins, helping them build block towers and tickling them. It was moments like these that Trunks realized how lucky he was. He wondered what his life would be like if he had never met Pan, and the thought made him shudder.

Loud banging on the door interrupted playtime. Bulla rushed inside with Goten behind her. The worried looks on their faces stopped Trunks from huffing at them.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"A ship from Saibogu just arrived unannounced," Bulla said.

Pan let out a gasp. "Does Gohan and Marron know?"

"Dad went to go get them," Goten answered.

Trunks felt his jaw tightening. It had been weeks, and they had heard nothing from Saibogu. Now they suddenly showed up? What was Lapis planning?

"Why did they wait so long?" Bulla asked nervously.

"Probably because of the summit," Pan said softly.

Trunks nodded his head in agreement. "Lapis probably wants one of two things- war or an alliance. I'm going to steer as far away from war as I can. And after what he did to Panna, an alliance with Saibogu as long as he's the king is impossible."

"Where's Mama and Bulma?" Pan asked.

"In Appa's study," Bulla said. "He's making them stay there."

Trunks looked over at Pan and saw the fire in her eyes. There was no way she would let him go without her. He stood up and reached down to scoop up the twins as Pan stood up.

"Let's go take them to our mothers, and then see what Lapis has to say."


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