A Change in the Winds

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49- A Change in the Winds 

Early Summer

Pan could feel her heart pounding against her chest as she looked across the conference room. She wasn't entirely sure what gave her the courage to be as bold as she just was. She had felt it in her gut and went with it.

"That's our sister," she could hear Gohan and Goten's snickering.

Trunks, who was still standing beside Pan, wrapped his arm around her waist. "You have no idea how hot you look at the moment," he whispered into her ear.

Pan could feel her cheeks burning, but she ignored Trunks' comment for now.

The quiet Thuerian who had spoken to Maw earlier stood up. His skin was a dark umber color. He had golden freckles across his cheeks. Silver curls rested on his head as his glassy eyes looked at the Saiyans.

"My name is Ta'lah. I am the Chief of my people," his deep voice said. "We will help the Saiyans."

"As will wee," Tobias, the King of Josen, stood up. "Princess Pan is right. There are still plenty of bad men out there. We must come together and keep our galaxy at peace."

Pan was shaking as she watched the other planets stand up one by one. The only planet who refused to do so was Maw's planet. They had left shortly afterward.

The rest of the summit went by smoothly. The planets shared their woes and frustrations. Trunks was amazing at saying the right words of comfort to them. His promises were sincere, and Pan couldn't have been prouder of him.

By the end of the day, the summit had concluded with arrangements to meet all together twice a year. Letters would be exchanged between planets to keep everyone up to date with other ongoing things.

The summer sun was beginning to set when a meal was served for the guest that would be staying. Delegates from the planet Povis, Thueria, and Lienus would all stay since their planets were hours away. There was a little bit of everything served for the meal so that everyone could have something delicious to eat.

Everyone was getting along so well that Pan's heart was growing warm. The night would have been perfect if only Takehiko and Takara were there. She and Trunks had left them on Vegeta-Sei while the summit was being held for safety reasons.

"Princess Pan, you seem troubled," Ta'lah said as everyone began to rise from the table.

"Chief Ta'lah," Pan bowed her head slightly. "I am okay. I'm just missing my children," she sighed softly.

"I left mine home as well," Ta'lah nodded. "Perhaps one day, our children could meet."

"That would be lovely," Pan smiled.

"But Princess Pan, that power of yours," Ta'lah continued gently. "Earlier, that was just a little bit of it, wasn't it?"

Pan felt her cheeks growing warm. She had expected to be asked about her power throughout dinner but surprisingly wasn't. She assumed her display of it was enough for most people. That, or it frightened them, which Pan hoped wasn't the case.

"I'm surprised I was able to do what I did," Pan admitted truthfully. "All I wanted to do was to show Maw that he was wrong and that he couldn't scare us."

"You no doubt did that," Ta'lah said softly with a nod. "Your power, though- you're scared of it," he stared it like a fact.

Pan's eyes widened in surprise. Ta'lah's silver eyes weren't judgmental- they were kind. Pan felt calm while looking into them. There was something about Ta'lah's ancient and peaceful presence that made Pan want to trust him.

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