Through the Fire

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Part Three- In Which the Dragon Awakens

52- Through the Fire


Goku had known as soon as he woke up how the day would end. Trunks would become King, and then Panny- he wasn't sure what would happen, honestly. He had tried speaking with her several times throughout the day,  but her and Trunks were busy preparing for the coronation.

When Trunks and Pan had walked out, Goku couldn't believe how beautiful Pan looked. Of course, to him, she always looked beautiful, but today, she looked like the Queen she was soon becoming. As she passed them, he could see it in her eyes- she knew something was about to happen.

Goku kept his eyes focused on Pan. Her back was tense, and minutes ticked by slowly. Goku's stomach was whirling in nerves, and his hands were twitchy. He didn't know what would happen, but he wanted to be ready.

Trunks stood up from the spot he had been kneeling in. The royal crown was placed on the top of his head. He looked powerful, and Goku knew that if Vegeta had been there, he'd be proud.

Goku felt the shift in the air. He looked over at Pan just in time to see her hunch over. Trunks rushed over to her and caught her before she fell. Goku ran over quickly, as did everyone else. Pan's face was contorted in pain. She clutched her stomach as she screamed.

"She's burning up!" Trunks cried.

"What's wrong with her?!" Chi-Chi asked on the verge of sobbing.

"Trunks-" Goku grabbed his shoulder, and he could feel him shaking. "We have to take her to the Dragons Den."

"What?" Trunks whispered.

"Dad, we need to get her to a doctor," Gohan said quickly.

"It'll be too late by then," Goku shook his head. "I took Pan to those mountains when she was born."

"What?" Chi-Chi asked. "That's where you took her to save her?"

Goku nodded before he looked back at Trunks, who's gaze was fixed on Pan. She had frown quiet, other than her harsh panting. "I have to take her back, Trunks," he said. "He's waiting for her- I know you can feel it."

Trunks' eyes widened as he looked at Goku. He was the King now, and the one Pan had been waiting on. Trunks scooped Pan up into his arms firmly before he stood up. His blue eyes were set in determination. "Let's go."

Goku grabbed Chi-Chi's hand and placed it on his arm before placing his hand on Trunks' shoulder. He could see the others quickly reaching out to grab ahold of them as well before they all disappeared.

They reappeared at the base of the mountains. There was a small gasp in the air, and Goku assumed this was the closest any of them had ever gotten to the Dragons Den.

Goku turned to face Trunks and held out his arms. Trunks clutched Pan against him. He didn't want to let her go, and Goku didn't blame him.

"Trunks," Goku's voice was gentle. "I'm the one that brought her up here almost 20 years ago. It has to be me."

Trunks was trembling as he held Pan. He leaned down and kissed her.

Goku took Pan into his arms gently. She was burning up. Sweat was clinging to her. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she panted. She looked fragile, and Goku was taken back to the day she was born. She had been so little and helpless back then. He let out a breath before he jumped up and flew up the mountain.

The air was growing thicker the closer they got to the top. Pan's breathing was becoming more labored. Goku sped up his pace until he was finally at the top. He fell to his knees as he faced the opening. His arms shook as he held Pan out.

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