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35- Hibernating

Early Spring

Pan leaned against Trunks as they slowly walked to Vegeta's study. It had been several days since her accident, and she had been taking it easy, just as Dr. Brief had told her. However, Dr. Brief had returned for the day and asked if Trunks and Pan would meet him and the others in the King's study. He said there was something important he wanted to discuss, and Pan was worried that it was about the baby.

For the last several days, Pan had hardly moved from the bed. She stayed still and ate graciously. Trunks hadn't left her side either, and she made him check on the baby several times throughout the day. He never complained, and most times, he would tell her that the baby was still there before she even asked. Trunks had offered to carry her to the library, but Pan felt like a walk would be good for her and the baby as long as she took it easy.

They entered the library, their families already there. Everyone had stopped by at some time or another to check on them over the last few days, and Pan was grateful for them. Trunks helped her to the couch, and she sat down between her mother and him. Bulla, who was sitting on a stool next to Goten, hopped down for a second to hug Pan.

"We've got to shopping soon," she told Pan. "I'm ready to buy my cute little niece or nephew clothes."

"Okay," Dr. Brief said, and Bulla skipped back to her seat next to Goten. It looked as if he had brought some type of projector with him, and he turned it on. Pan swallowed hard as she saw a picture of her baby's ultrasound on the screen.

"Grandpa," Trunks said. "I thought the baby is okay?"

"It is," Dr. Brief's gave an assuring nod. "But there is something I need to discuss. I think it's about time."

"Time for what?" Pan asked curiously.

Chi-Chi let out a small breath and grabbed one of Pan's hands. "Honey, there might be a reason why you get so sick all the time."

"What?" Pan's eyes widened. "Don't I have a weak immune system?" She asked. That's what she had always been told.

"Not necessarily," Dr. Brief said. He pressed a button, and the image of the baby had been zoomed out.

Surrounding the baby were four round objects. Pan swallowed hard as she looked at them. What were they? They are about half the size of the baby, which was probably the size of a lime or smaller since it was only about 12 weeks along.

"What are those?" Gohan asked from the side of the room. "Have they been in Pan all along?"

Dr. Brief's nodded. "Ever since she first started to get sick around the age of eight. That's when we noticed them. They're four pearl-like beads. They were a lot smaller, but they've grown a lot, especially since Pan's pregnancy had started."

"What?" Trunks said. "Remove them," he said.

"Wait, no!" Pan spoke up as she shook her head. She couldn't tear her gaze away from the picture.

"Panna, they make you sick," Trunks shook his head slowly.

"Trunks," she looked at him slowly. "They saved our baby." Trunks' eyes widened in shock, and Pan sighed. "I don't know how to explain it," she confessed. "But I can feel it," she placed a hand over her stomach. "Whatever they are- they saved our child."

"I believe that as well," Dr. Brief nodded his head in agreement. "You see, years ago, I did try to remove them from the Princess, but they wouldn't let me near them. I think when Pan got injured, they protected that child, thinking it was one of them."

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