Melting Point

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55- Melting Point


Trunks stretched as he walked into his bedroom. It was still early. He smiled fondly as he watched Pan sleep in their bed contently. She had told him that she would probably sleep for the whole day, so he kissed her as gently as he could before he went into the nursery next door.

Takehiko and Takara were still asleep as well, but Trunks knew that soon they would be waking up. He let out a sigh as he watched his children sleep.

It was common for bonded Saiyans to share dreams. Last night, Pan had shared hers with Trunks. Somehow, he knew it wasn't really a dream, though. It was what she had seen before she faced Shenron. It was a future, one without her in it. In that future, Trunks had been a horrible Appa. He had made his children cry, and it made his gut twist as he thought about Takara's crying face.

Trunks hated to think it, but if Pan had died the other night, then Trunks would have too. That's how Saiyan bonds work. When a couple is so deeply bonded, if one dies, the other quickly follows, usually by a broken heart. Then their children would have been left in a worse state.

Trunks let out another sigh as he reached out to stroke Takara's soft cheek. His other hand ran through Takehiko's wild hair.

"I'm sorry," Trunks apologized. He felt like he had to, even though what Pan had seen hadn't been real. He still felt responsible. "I promise never to make you guys cry," he whispered. His heart hurt at the thought. "I'll be the best Appa ever."

It felt like it was such a long time ago when Pan had told him the news. Trunks could still remember that day clearly. It was the day Goten revealed himself to overturn the court so Pan wouldn't have to marry Koba, who Kage was pretending to be. Back then, Trunks' fear of Freiza kept his excitement hidden briefly. Pan had even thought he didn't want the baby! He couldn't blame her, but he was so glad when he was able to convince her that he did. Having a child with her caused an excitement inside of him he had never known. When he found out they were having twins, his excitement grew more.

Pan and his children were the best things to ever happen to Trunks. He wouldn't do a thing differently.

Takara started to stir. She woke up with a small whine as she stretched. Trunks watched her with a small smile as she rolled around until she was sitting up. Her blue eyes found his, and she grinned.

"Good morning, Princess," Trunks smiled at her.

He got her up and ready for the day. By the time he was finished with her, Takehiko was starting to wake up. He was a little fussier than Takara had been. He did not like waking up.

"Hey, little man, it's okay," Trunks soothed him before he got him ready for the day as well.

With both twins dressed for the day, Trunks picked them up and quietly tipped-toed into the main bedroom. "Mama's going to rest today," he whispered to twins as they looked at Pan. "So it's just going to be us three," he smiled.

Trunks exited the room quietly and informed the maids nearby to please not disturb Pan's rest. He cringed as they passed his study. He knew there was a ton of paperwork waiting for him. It had piled up during the week that his Appa was in a coma, but it could go one more day without being touched. The day was for the twins.


Trunks had spent all day with the twins. They weren't even a year old, so what they could do was limited. They were great listeners, though. He couldn't wait until they got older so they could do more things together.

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