42. Painful Love

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Adele was lying on her bed in her pyjamas accompanied with her night gown. She was reading a fashion catalogue that the Hollywood designers had left with her to look at after their pitch. She sighed as she thought back to that long meeting. There was so much they could do but she really wasn't interested in wearing the latest Hollywood fashion. But Francesco was obviously keen about her picking clothes from the latest fashion so she had tried hard to look interested at their pitch. It wasn't an easy task at all. When they had pitched wedding dress designs and children's clothing, she had cringed at times that hadn't gone unnoticed by Francesco. He had whispered to her that they would talk about this later. She wasn't looking forward to talking about how she felt for the pitch at all.

A knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts. It was Costanzo's voice " Can I come in Adele?"

Adele spoke " Come in."

As Costanzo entered and closed the door behind him, Adele questioned " So what are you doing up here? Francesco made it clear you had to remain by his side for the rest of the meeting. How come you are up here before him?"

Costanzo smiled and walked to her "The meeting is finished now. Antonio stayed behind to discuss business with Francesco. I am sure he meant to give me some time to come up here and fill you in details of what will happen to Michael before you go to sleep."

Adele's eyes widened and she got up from the bed and stood in front of Costanzo looking at him worriedly " Is it bad news or good news?"

Costanzo spoke "Both. Good news is that Francesco informed the guards at the end of the meeting that they need to take Michael to the compounds doctor to be patched up and treated to an extent that he can be taken to Oklahoma by car..... to Antonio's manor. Antonio is responsible to speak to Michael about some ground rules before releasing him to his family and have him under surveillance from now on. He would arrange that. His men will know what to do. But I am sure he will be calling his father to ask for assistance. My uncle Piero knows well how to deal with such matters and get Michael back to his normal life after this shocking ordeal he had."

Adele took a deep breath " So Michael lives for now and will be se free. That's good news. Now tell me the bad news."

Costanzo spoke " It's nothing to worry about for now. But you must be careful Adele. As you can remember, Antonio refused to share details of how he managed to convince Francesco to consider his proposal to set Michael free. I kept asking him every chance I got when I had him alone and away from earshot ever since but he doesn't tell me. He refuses. He doesn't trust me on not sharing the information with you. He thinks I would tell you everything and then you would let it slip to Francesco one day and then him and I will be done for. But it's abit worrying. It's not just about keeping his secret safe. It's more than that. I am sure. He has offered Francesco something that has made him change his mind. Francesco wants Michael to suffer more than anything in this world. Antonio must have put something on the table to convince him and I am very afraid what it might have been. All I can say is that you should be careful when you are around Francesco. Try to forget all about Michael and focus on your relationship with Francesco. Hopefully if you keep Francesco content, the danger would be less. Now I would leave you to think about what I said. I will see you in the morning. Actually i will see you late in the morning. I have to go out to a bar tonight alongside Antonio and some of his friends. Francesco's orders. My brother knows how to torment me." He then smiled sadly and walked to the door.

Adele whispered "Good night. I am sorry Costanzo about your past relationships."

As Costanzo opened the door he whispered back "Me too Adele. Me too. Good night." He then closed the door behind him and walked downstairs. He went outside and was lead towards a car with tinted windows. He sat inside the car and waited for Antonio as instructed. After about fifteen minutes Antonio appeared at the front of the mansion and got in the car. He sat next to Costanzo and instructed the driver "We are ready to hit the city. Drive away."

A Mob Boss's First Love (Book 1 Of The New York Mafia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now