Ch 10: Flame Apocalypse Vs. The Forward Afflicted

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dedicated to a friend in the Short Story Book Club. It was only later when we realized we are of the same nationality! Mabuhay @blue_ross! :)


What a fuckin’ jerk!

Just when Terra made me admit that I like Trevor, the guy shows his true colors!

I can tolerate Jake’s attitude, I mean, I knew he’s an asshole the moment we first made eye contact, but Trevor?! Did he seriously let those bandmates of his influence him? I could stand him being egoistic and all, but to yell at me like that? When all I wanted was to help? In a way that I won’t tell them that Terra’s been criticizing their group? In a way that I made myself the bad one?

Maybe, that was my wrong move.

How would Trevor see me now? Things aren’t falling into the right places. Hours ago, I was wishing that he could give my presence some acknowledgement, now I just don’t want to see him again. The memory of his eyes that stared at me filled with anger when I told him that CJA is just a stupid club of cocky dimwits kills me. Maybe I was being tactless, but I meant only the good for him.

I wanna return to the studio and tell Trevor to open his eyes! Does he really wanna belong to that club? Moreover, if he’s a guy who could easily be influenced by peers, I’m pretty sure that in no time, he’d be one of the pierced and inked, cigarette-smelling, alcohol-driven, arrogant bastards who think so highly of themselves!

I can’t save him, no, I know he won’t let me.

No matter how hard to restrict myself to return to the studio and pull him out of there, I’ll just start another commotion and he’ll rudely ask me to leave. Plus, Trevor will never, ever, want to see me after what I’ve just done.

I look to my right and to my left, picking up clues to where my feet had taken me. I search for street signs, landmarks—anything that could tell me where I am right now. Nothing seems familiar. Yes, it’s like any other busy streets I’ve been into, but I’ve never been here before. I don’t know the alley that leads home. This is the worst case scenario in the place I previously moved into, when you take into account my poor sense of direction. I’m lost, dammit.

The sun is already setting, so anytime soon it will be dark again. And I’ve heard what happens to lost girls in the streets.

Tired, I take a seat on a waist-high cemented wall bordering the roots of a city tree. I tremble at the thought of being unable to return home in time and Cyrille scolding at me again. If only I waited for Trevor’s band to finish before I started to ridicule their playing.

In my mind, I enumerate all possible friends I could seek help from in which, of course, Trevor’s out of the list. My pride will never let me do that. So, who else could I ask for directions? Cyrille, Erica, Marge? They are still in school, doing club works, office assistant duties, or whatever that keeps them busy before they come home. Who else?

Think, Kailey, think.

After a few moments on contemplating on the number of friends I have in Virginia, I have deduced that for the past month, I’ve made no stable friend.

How delightful, especially when the one I considered my only friend is that hotheaded guy.

Sigh. What’s the sense of asking people for help anyway? Surely, my home can’t be too far from here.  Moreover, I’m one who’d find things out for myself. I might arrive home late, but at least I won’t feel like I’m indebted to a person for helping me.

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