III. Day 1

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"We don't remember anything neither, none of us do. We all been there greenie, just like you, wakin' up in the box not knowing nothing." Says Alby "everything's all shucked for the first few days, but you'll get used to it you will."

"Get used to it?! Get used to it?! How in world do you get used to waking up in a box with no memory, heck I don't wanna get used to it, I just want to go home." I yell as tears threaten to invade my eyes. I don't even remember my home? Maybe I don't even have one. But I sure as heck don't belong here. My hands shake as I rub my temples. how? How did this happen? It's like a sudden wave of anger and sadness has washed over me. Like somehow I just know nothing is ever going to be ok again. I look around, ready to get away from these people.

"Ok, Calm down greenie," this time it's the blond boy, I think he said his name was.. Newt? "you shanks back off and give the greenie some space." At his words the group slowly backs away, forming a larger circle but still surrounding me.

"What is a greenie and why do you keep calling me that?!" I'm so confused I'm practically delirious. I must look insane, yelling and pacing around, hands shaking. I can tell they are cautious by the way they look at me-like the wary look you give a cornered animal while trying to approach it. Well that's certainly how I feel. cornered. My thoughts are torn between "get a hold of yourself Skylar!" And "you try waking up in box with no memory and see how you do."

"It's, just what we call the newbies, the new people who come up in the box." Newt explains, trying to calm me down. " it's alright, we won't hurt you." He gives me a reassuring look. I'm not sure I believe him, but they haven't done anything to prove otherwise yet. Though they certainly had the opportunity.

I want to hide, run, anything to get away from all these people and their staring eyes. I look around and notice a tree a few feet away. I walk towards it, the group parting like a sea as I pass through them. I reach the tree and slide down the side until I'm sitting at the base of the trunk. They follow me over, forming a semi-circle around the tree.

The blonde boy, Newt, walks over and sits down in front of me. "That's better eh greenie?"

I can only nod. I'm struck by how different his accent sounds compared to everyone else. An odd thing to think about at a time like this, but I can't help noticing. I wonder if I've always picked up on details like this? That's almost the worst part, not knowing who you are. It's like meeting someone else for the first time, except it's not someone else, it's you. Every piece of who we are as people had been ripped from us, yet somehow, I know we must act somewhat the same as we did before. Our personalities probably haven't changed, we just don't remember what they are.

By now the adrenaline is wearing off and I've got one killer headache. I'm dizzy, and having a hard time comprehending my current situation. As if offering to give me something else to focus on, or worry about, depending on how you looked at it, my stomach growls reminding me how hungry I am. When was the last time I ate? I don't know.

I sigh and lean back against the tree, tilting my head until I'm looking up through the branches at the bright blue cloudless sky. At least it isn't raining, though it would seem more appropriate, better fitting to the somber hopelessness that has washed over me.

"What am I supposed to do?" I ask, resigned to the fact that I'm stuck here, at least temporarily.

"For today, sit tight and try not to break anything. Tomorrow I'll give ya the tour and then we can go from there, sound good greenie?" Newt stares at me, patiently awaiting my answer.

"Well I guess I don't really have much of a choice do I?" He opens his mouth to reply. "So ya, whatever you said." I mumble, cutting him off. I don't really have any better options. I press my fingers against the corners of my eyes, wiping away the water before the tears have a chance to form. I don't want to look weak in front of these people.

"Ok, you listen up good greenie, we only got three rules, number one, never hurt another glader, two, never go into the maze unless you're a runner or with a runner, and three, do your part." Newt explains. "Got that greenie?"

Even thought I have a million questions, don't recognize half of the words he'd just said, and have no clue what they could mean, I find myself nodding. I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of that in the near future, nodding. It's the easiest way to move on with things.

"well that settles it. I'll give ya Kate, she can be a bit harsh but she'll take good enough care of ya." Newt waves his hand and I see someone start to push their way towards the front of the crowd.

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