XXXIII. Bonfire 2

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Sky's POV

I wake up in darkness, to the rise and fall of Minho's steady breathing. I sit up, careful not to wake him, and look at my watch. Almost sunrise, time for him to go back in the slammer. I cover his mouth with mine, to keep him quiet before shaking him awake, he looks shocked and confused for a minute before realizing where he is. He kisses back, pulling me down to him, and wrapping his arms around me. I pull away laughing and shaking my head. He groans, rolling over and burying his face in the pillow, unwilling to get up. I, on the other hand, slept better than I have since I got here, and am ready to go.

"You have to get up." I whisper, laughing as I attempt to roll him over. He does, sighing as he sits up beside me. "What did you not sleep good?" I snicker, he's usually the early riser.

"No I..." He doesn't finish, a strange expression crossing his face. His usually perfect hair sticks up at odd angles, making me giggle. "What?" He asks looking confused.

"Your hair."

"Yours isn't any better." He retorts, but I didn't need him to tell me that, I already knew mine was a mess. It always is in the morning.

"Ya but mine is always a mess." I says brushing through it with my fingers.

"Not always, besides yours looks good messy." He yawns getting to his feet.

"Thanks I think..." I say not sure whether to take that as a compliment or an insult.

A couple minutes later I've put away the sleeping bags and pillows, and we stand in front of the slammer doors.

"You have to go back in." I tell him, playing with the keys in my pocket.

"Ya I know..." He sighs kicking a rock, which goes skipping across the ground. I don't want to make him go back, but it sure beats both of us getting banished. What's that old saying? Sugar helps with medicine or something like that?

"It's only for a little while." I say, then I plant a quick kiss on his lips, or what was supposed to be quick, before shoving him inside. "See ya later." I tease with a smile, dramatically putting the keys back in my pocket.

"Not fair! You cheated!" He shouts, pouting like a child as I walk away. I laugh, sticking my tongue out at him before taking off jogging.

I slip into my room just in time, flopping down on my bed and pretending to be asleep. Kate will be waking up any minute now. A few minutes later I'm proved right.

"Sky, sky wake up." Kate shakes me 'awake' even though I wasn't sleeping. I roll over, pretending to yawn, and ask what time it is.

"Time to go get your stupid boyfriend, so we can go run."

"How did you know about that?" I ask, considering Kate isn't on the council. She jerks her thumb toward a still sleeping Mal. I should have guessed. Mal -unfairly- doesn't have to be up for another hour. Oh the perks of being a runner, but I'll take it, early mornings and all, I never wanted anything else. Mal likes to play it safer, not that Newt would have let her become a runner even if she wanted to. That's one of the differences between Minho and Newt, the way the are protective. Newt protects by keeping her away from anything dangerous, thus his making sure Mal got a 'safe' job. While Minho on the other hand, fought to make sure I got the most dangerous jobs in the glade. He'll let me do dangerous things, but only if he's by my side. I like it better that way, I would go crazy being stuck in the glade all the time, I guess I'm a bit addicted to danger. He is too, which is why we work so well together. The funny thing is though,when I'm hurt, it's the opposite. Minho goes into hyper-protective mode, while Newt's like "eh she's fine." The difference there? Minho knows better than to listen when I say I'm fine, while Newt assumes I'm telling the truth. Usually I'm not actually fine. Oops? All these thoughts run through my head as we reach the jail cell, Newt and Alby in tow. Earlier I slipped Newt his keys, pretending he dropped them on the floor. Not gonna lie, I was pretty proud of myself for thinking of that one.

Stolen [The Maze Runner Fanfiction] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora