XXII. Awake sort of

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My mind wakes long before my body, my senses sluggishly returning. Well, most of them anyways, I can't open my eyes, or move. My mind spins as noises start to invade my brain, slowly they clear, not noises. Voices.

"Is she going to make it?" The voice is familiar but I can't place it.

"Honestly, I don't know. She's got a massive laceration on her back, slices all along her arms, some pretty severe, her shoulder is broken, not to mention half of her body is covered in burns. So it doesn't exactly look good." Another voice states. They're talking about me I realize, hey I can hear you!!!! But no words come out of my mouth.

"Don't tell him, sugar coat it, bloody lie if ya have too, but don't tell him how bad it is." The first voice, which I now recognize as Newt says. Don't tell who? What's going on?! This is so frustrating why can't I wake up?!

"Err.. I think he sort of knows, I mean he saw her." The second voice, Clint comments. Whoooo? Who knows?

"Well don't make it any bloody worse, poor shanks in bad 'nough shape as it is, her being his girl and all." Newt sighs. Minho, they're definitely talking about Minho.

"You got it, same for the other two?" Clint asks. He must be walking towards me as his voice is getting louder. Who are 'the other two'? Kate and Mal maybe?

"Yeah, they are a bloody mess too." Newt says, and I imagine him running his fingers through his hair, like he always does when trying to work things out. I want to wake up so badly it hurts, but I can't. I try to hear the rest of the conversation, but sleep pulls me back into darkness.

I'm in a room, staring at someone, the room separated by a pane of glass. On the other side sits a boy. Minho.

A lady in a white coat. She holds a clipboard, she looks down at me and nods.

Minho stands and walks toward us running face first into the glass. I jump up in shock. The woman looks at me, shocked and concerned, she glances to the corner of the room, where I spot what appears to be a camera. The woman mumbles something before quickly exiting the room.

The dream plays out in my head over and over, until I finally wake up. It plays not fluidly like a movie, but choppy like a slideshow, like a puzzle with missing pieces. Could it be a memory? If so, why did Minho walk into the glass, could he not see it? And why was the woman so shocked? My questions are pushed away as my hearing gradually returns.

I hear muffled sobs, and realize someone right next to me is crying. "Sky please wake up, please." It's Kate. "I don't know if you can hear me but..." She trails off. I can! I'm trying to wake up!! I am!! I clench my fist in frustration. I hear Kate gasp. I must have actually moved my hand?

"Guys!!!! Guys!! She moved!!" Kate yells way too loudly, considering how close she is sitting. I hear what sounds like the door bursting open and people shuffling inside.

"What happened?" Someone -Clint- asks.

"I don't know, she just clenched her fist." Kate says, hope flooding her voice.

"Ok let me know if she does it again." Clint says, and I hear shuffling again, people leaving this time. I try and repeat the action, but to no avail.

After a while of sitting in silence, Kate gets up leaves, No please don't leave me, no!!! I want to scream at her, but I can't. I'm left with numbing boredom and no sense of time. Things are blurry, my mind flowing in and out of consciousness.

A while later, I don't know how long, it feels like ages to me, someone else enters. "Um, I don't know if you can hear me, but um, I know I haven't known you real long, but you were my friend and I miss you, so please wake up." It's Mal. I'm trying, trust me you have no idea how bad I want to wake up.

"We all need you, especially Minho, he hasn't slept since you passed out, he's kinda going crazy." Mal says rambling on. "And Kate won't talk, not to anyone, and Newt just keeps pacing around, it's a mess out there, so please come back." She whispers and I hear her sit in the chair beside me. She grabs my hand, "Sky can you hear me?" With all my will power I force my hand to squeeze, and it works.

Mal gasps "you can hear me?" I squeeze again. "Oh my gosh I've got to tell Minho!" She yells, the chair screeching across the floor as she stands, "don't worry I'll be back." She shouts her voice fading as she goes.

Minutes later a familiar voice enters the room, "Sky.." He says hesitantly, it's Minho, but he doesn't sound like himself, he sounds tired and weak.

I feel his fingers brush across my cheek, as he sits on the bed next to me.

"Mal said you can hear?" He asks intertwining our fingers. I squeeze his hand, frustrated that I can't move more. Minho gasps, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he says, his voice shaking with emotion. "I should have been here for you, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left." He whispers, I want so badly to tell him not to be sorry, that it's ok. No, I'm falling asleep again, no.

"Please wake up, Sky, I need you." He sighs, I hear him stand to leave, I squeeze his hand. I don't want him to leave, I need him.

"You want me to stay?" He asks, I squeeze his hand twice. "Of course." He answers my unspoken question. "I'll stay till the end of the World." He whispers. I would give almost anything to wake up now, but instead my mind goes blank and I fall asleep.

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