IV. First Friends

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Suddenly, a girl pops out of the crowd and heads towards us. She must be Kate, whoever that is, I think to myself. Kate is short and lean but looks tough. Her long brown hair has been braided to the side, revealing her striking blue eyes. She walks towards us without fear, her steps confident and sure.

"Hi, I'm Kate." She says extending her hand for me to shake. Her confidence is contagious, and I start to feel less afraid, mimicking her attitude.

"Skylar" I say nodding, as I watch her blue eyes flick up and down, her gaze studying me. I wonder what she thinks.

"So that's your name? Skylar?" Newt asks, looking only slightly surprised.

I nod again, "but that's all I remember." It hurts to admit, and I rack my brain for the information I know I've lost, but nothing is there, just a solid wall where my memories were. The weird part is, I know that they are there, I can feel them, I just can't reach them. It is beyond frustrating.

"I know, it's all anybody bloody remembers." Newt replies sadly, putting his hands on his knees before standing up. "Well it's about time we all got back to work."

"Kate, you show her around and find her a place to sleep, I'll see ya at dinner greenie." He says, giving me a half smile as he walks away. I wish he wouldn't leave. He's the only one who's been helpful so far, and I'm already starting to feel frightened without him. It's funny how you can attach to one person so quickly.

"Alright well let's get you settled," Kate sighs, walking off without waiting for an answer. I follow her, not really having much of a choice. Although I want to get away from everyone, I don't really want to be left alone in this mysterious place, and with Newt gone, I don't see anyone else I'd want to go with.

We head towards a dilapidated building in the corner near the wall. The building is made of planks of wood, cut in all shapes and sizes and thrown together seemingly at random. It looks as if it could fall over at any moment, judging by the way it leans. I'm hesitant to even go inside, but it doesn't look like I'm going to be given much of a choice. I can only hope it isn't a trap. Part of me knows a trap would be pointless, if they wanted to hurt me, they could have easily done it already.

"We call this the homestead," Kate explains, as she turns the handle and walks in. She doesn't even glance backwards, just keeps walking.

"It's where some of us sleep, but there's not enough room for everyone, so most people sleep outside, but Newt insists that all the girls sleep inside, for.... Safety reasons... I'm sure you get it, so...." Kate stops, losing her focus, then continues, "so anyway you'll room with me upstairs. Unless you want to share a room with Jessica," she pauses and scrunches up her face like she just tasted something sour, "which, trust me, you don't." She adds, shaking her head. It seems strange to me, that the only two girls in the place would dislike each other. I'd think they would be best friends. Guess not. I raise my eyebrows in confusion before following her up the stairs.

I decide Kate isn't so bad, something about the way she keeps moving helps to distract me. Just trying to keep up with her rapid fire speech had almost made me forget my situation. Still, I can't help but hope this is all a dream, and I wake up tomorrow in my house with my family.

I frown at the thought of family, realizing I can't remember mine. I must have one, but I have no memories of them at all. It makes me sad, but more than that it makes me angry. who took them from me? Do they miss me? Are they even alive? I don't know. I don't know.

"I don't know," I mumble out loud, clutching the sides of my head in an attempt to keep from going crazy. It was all so much. So overwhelming. I was sure I'd never had to deal with this much information at once. My brain just couldn't keep up.

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