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I wake up as the sun shines into our room. Yawning, I stretch out, so glad that I got to sleep in today. Between the girl newbie, and a bunch of other random injuries, it had been decided that I would stay and help the med-jacks today.

I look at my watch and realize I'm up earlier than I thought, the doors are still closed, which means Minho and Kate haven't left yet. I throw on some clothes and jog downstairs, waving to
Newt and frypan when I pass by the kitchen.

"Hey babe, what are you doing here?" Minho asks when I reach the doors.

"Ya, I thought you were staying with the med-jacks today?" Kate adds.

"Oh, I am."

"Then why are you here?" she asks.

"I came to say goodbye obviously." I answer, rolling my eyes like its the most obvious thing in world. Minho smiles and gives me a quick kiss, just as the doors start to open. I can see Kate behind him, sticking her finger down her throat, pretending to gag. I laugh and turn to walk away.

"See ya later, be careful!" I tell them as they start to run off into the maze.

"As always." Minho yells back to me, disappearing around a corner.

"That's the problem, you're never careful." I mutter to myself, watching him go. I shudder at the sight of Ben's empty collar, laying on the stone floor. I'm glad I didn't have to watch that.

"Come on Sky, you can stare at your boyfriend later." Clint says pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I wasn't I... Oh nevermind." I answer trotting behind him to the homestead. Inside the girl sleeps, muttering incoherent words as she moves restlessly about.

"What is she saying?" I ask Jeff, who is currently trying to feed her some soupy stuff.

"Most of it doesn't make sense, but she keeps saying Thomas' name over and over again." He answers, glancing up nervously. That's weird, she hasn't been awake long enough to know anyone's name? Which means she remembers him. I wonder what else she remembers?

"I need you over here!" Clint says motioning to where a builder sits with a nail stuck all the way through his hand, blood oozing out both sides.

"How the shuck did you do that?" I ask the builder.

"I wasn't paying attention." He replies with a shrug. I shake my head, readying the stitches and bandage.

"Well Adam why don't you pay more attention next time." Clint answers moving to hold him down, there is only one way to do this, and it isn't pretty.

"On three." I say wrapping the tips of my fingers around the edge of the nail.
Adam winces, bracing for the pain.


"Two." On two I pull, sliding the nail up, until it is free of his hand. I've found its better when the patient isn't expecting it, which is why I went at two instead of three. Adam screams anyways, thrashing around on the table. Once he calms down, we clean out the wound the best we can before stitching it up.

"Hey you're that girl that survived the maze?" Adam asks suddenly, as I wrap a bandage around his hand.

"Mmhm." I mutter taping the bandage into place.

"That's incredible! How did you do it?" And here I thought I was past the 'glade legend' stage. A couple of weeks after the incident, everyone had finally gone back to treating me like normal, or at least I'd thought. I just shrug, not really wanting to talk about it.

"Adam leave her alone." Clint says giving me an apologetic look. "Sky will you go get some more water?"

"Ya sure." I reply, more than happy to get away from the awkward situation. I'm almost outside, when I hear Thomas' frantic shouts.

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