V. The Tour

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   I wake up to someone poking me, then a hand slams over my mouth. My eyes pop open and I start to panic. Where am I? what's going on? Whaa...Then I remember yesterday.

I calm down marginally and look at the person attached to the hand, which happens to be Newt. He puts his finger to his lips, mouthing for me to be quiet. I nod, and only then does he finally take his hand off my mouth. I groan and roll onto my side.

"Five more minutes" I mumble into my pillow. I don't want to face the reality that awaits me. The fact that I'm still here, and still don't remember anything. Just the thought of more questions makes my head hurt. Newt shakes his head no and motions for me to follow him.

What time is it anyways?  I glance at the window. The sky is still a hazy dark gray, with the first rays of orange sunlight barely reaching over the horizon. Reluctantly, I sigh and roll off the bed. Might as well get whatever this was over with. Glancing at Kate, who lay still sleeping on her bed, I follow Newt out the door.

Silently, I resolve to be strong today, to try and find out as much as I can, and do my best to adjust. I'd allowed myself to be weak last night, but that had to stop. Crying all the time wasn't going to help anybody get home. Including me. Somehow, I knew the faster I got over it all the better it would be. There had to be a reason behind all this right? Well it certainly wasn't to mope around. And if I found the reason I was here, maybe I could find a way home. And if everyone was really sent here just like me, then maybe I could find a way to get them out too.

I have to skip a few stairs to catch up with Newt, as he is walking ridiculously fast for this early in the morning. I guessed I didn't like mornings, thought I didn't really know.

"where are we going and why so eearly?"  I groan once I'm finally beside him. He just shushes me and continues walking. Maybe Newt doesn't like mornings either.

I follow him out of the homestead and over to the closest wall, sidestepping sleeping people all along the way. The sun is just beginning to filter in, and it makes navigating the mass of sleeping bodies rather difficult. Still, I manage to make it without stepping on anyone. Once at the wall, Newt motions me towards a small window. The glass is thick and dusty, making it hard to see through.

"Those are why you don't want to go out in the bloody maze at night," He tilts his head to the side, "or ever for that matter. No one allowed out there except the runners and even then only during the day."  I hesitate. what could be out there?

"Well go on, look at it, I haven't got all bloody day," Newt says, sounding rather annoyed. I turn and put my face against the glass, straining to see what's on the other side. What I finally do see, turns my insides to mush. A creature stands in front of the glass, it's ugly shape illuminated in the pale sunlight. It's about the size of a cow but with no definite shape, looking more like a blob of slimy green flesh. All along its body, at seemingly random intervals, are arm like appendages with some serious weaponry. I see saw blades, things that look like swords, metal spikes and even needles. Half monster and half machine, the thing is horrifying to say the least, like something from a bad science-fiction horror movie. Not something you want to run into. It jumps at the glass and I flinch, stumbling backwards a few steps before regaining my balance.

"What is that thing?" I ask, disgusted with the fleshy creature. I'm pretty sure that image is burned in my mind forever. Great. Why couldn't I have forgotten that? I forget my entire life but one look at this thing and it's stuck forever, how ironic.

"We call em' grievers, nasty little buggers they are." Newt answers pointing at the window. "One sting and you'll know why we call em' grievers."

"They sting?" I ask, suddenly curious.

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