XXXII. Locked Away

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"Come on let's get this over with." Minho says as the four of us walk slowly towards the slammer. I still can't believe Minho agreed to this, and I'm having a hard time keeping myself from punching Alby in the face.

"See ya tomorrow." Alby says as he twists the key, locking the cell doors. He waves and jogs off toward the homestead leaving me and Newt alone with Minho.

"Sorry about this, I voted no for the record." Newt sighs, uncomfortably rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's ok." Minho replies, huffing in annoyance at the one chair in the cell with him. "It's got a shuck broken leg." He states, tossing the chair into the corner of the cell. I see something dark pass across Newt's face, like some horrible memory rose to the surface. I'm puzzled.

"Well I've got to go, see ya...oh wait, Sky I need to talk to you...alone." Newt says, a mischievous grin creeping across his face. A raise an eyebrow at him, shrugging to Minho before following him behind the homestead.

"Here, it's up to you but..." Newt snickers, dangling a set of keys in front of my face. I laugh and go to snatch them out of his hand, but he pulls them back and I miss. "Ah, not yet....Here's the rules: I didn't know about it, you stole the keys... And you HAVE to have him back and locked up before sunrise or were all dead, got me?"

"Good that." I say holding out my palm for the keys.

"What am I doing? What have you guys bloody done to my brain?" Newt laughs shaking his head as he drops the keys into my hand. "Make sure everyone is asleep first!" He calls out as I run back towards the slammer. I turn around and give him a thumbs up before disappearing around the corner.

"Well you were gone awhile." Minho says when I return, not bothering to hide the suspicion in his voice.

"Oh please Minho, have some trust?" I snicker showing off the keys.

"What did you do to get those?" He asks hesitantly. I reach through the bars and slap him lightly in the face.

"Newt gave them to me slinthead, what do you think he wanted to talk to me about?....ya know what? On second thought maybe I won't let you out." I say putting the keys back in my pocket and beginning to walk away.

"Oh? What?! Sky that's not what I meant! Sky come back!" He says, but I just keep on walking, curious to see how far he'll go to stop me.

"Ok I'm sorry, I'm sorry ok!" He yells.
I spin on my heels, turning to face him, but not taking a single step forward. I stare at him, waiting for him to continue. "I'm sorry, I'm an idiot." He sighs giving up in defeat.

"Hmm I guess I'll let you out." I say laughing as I go to unlock the door. "you really didn't want to stay in there did you?" I ask when he steps out into the open air. He must have been pretty desperate to admit something like that. He shakes his head quickly. "Then why did you let them put you in there?"

"I didn't want you to get in trouble, besides getting to beat up Gally was worth it." He says shrugging. There he goes again, saying all the right things.

"Well sorry but you'll have to go back in, tomorrow morning."

"It's fine, at least it's not all night." He replies leaning against the slammer door.

"Since you can't go inside I'll be right back." I say starting in the direction of the homestead.

"Where are you going?" Minho asks crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'll be back." I tell him, before jogging off to the homestead.

Minho's POV

"Where are you going?" I ask as Sky jogs away from me. I'm still not sure I believe her that Newt knows she has his keys, and I don't want to get her in trouble.

"I'll be back." Is all she'll tell me. I huff in frustration as she runs off, annoyed that I can't follow her without risking being caught. What if she gets caught? What if Gally wakes up and finds her? I have to remind myself that Sky is more than capable of taking care of herself.

I'm starting to worry when she pops out of the homestead, jogging towards me, hands full with sleeping bags and pillows.  I shake my head in laughter, this girl.

"Here you go." She says throwing me one of the sleeping bags and a pillow. "Since you can't go inside, I thought we could camp out." Sky says shyly, like I might hate her idea. Pfft, I'd trade my bed any day for sleeping outside with her.

"Sounds great." I tell her honestly, spreading out my sleeping bag on the ground. She gives me a sideways glance, unsure if I'm kidding or not. I smile, assuring her that I am all too serious. At that she smiles too, laying her sleeping bag next to mine, before climbing in. At first we lay in silence, staring into the night. After awhile I hear her sigh, then fidget, her sleeping bag rustling when she shifts. She repeats the pattern a couple times. Sigh, shift, sigh, shift. I pretend not to notice, while inside I'm laughing my head off. Finally though, I can't stand it any longer and give in.

"Sky?" I ask.

"Hmm?" She murmurs, half asleep.

"Come here." I whisper, skipping the part about asking her if she's cold and bla,bla,bla we all know it's not cold in the glade, even though I'd bet you a night in the maze she'd have said yes.

"Ok." She answers scooting over closer to me. She lays her head on my chest, her hand curling around my shirt. Momentarily, I'm frozen, my heart beating a mile-a-minute. She can hear it, she must. Finally I unfreeze, wrapping my arm tightly around her, my heart beat slowly steading. I feel her laugh softly against my chest.

"Don't have a heart attack." She snickers settling against me, her long red hair spreading over my shoulder.

"Shut up." I say, trying to resist the urge to touch her hair. I hear her inhale sharply as I give up, running my hand slowly through her hair, soft and cool between my fingers. Now it is my turn to feel her heart race.

"Don't have a heart attack." I whisper mockingly, continuing to play with her hair.

"Oh hush." She retorts laughing. I laugh too before pulling her closer. She's still for a moment, before I hear the crunch of her sleeping bag as she crawls out of hers and into mine.

"Do you mind?" She whispers, her lips trailing along the corners of mine.

"No," I breathe, my heart pounding more than ever before. She kisses me once before laying down beside me, her head rested against my chest.

Soon, I listen to her even breathing, watching her face as she sleeps. She looks like an angel, peaceful and innocent, totally out of place in the gruff maze. when her eyes are open its different, she's fierce, determined, and it sets her apart from the rest. I sigh when I think about how close I came to leaving her. She'll never know how deadly serious I was about giving up. She doesn't realize, or maybe she does, if she does she's a lot better at hiding it than I am, that I wasn't just exaggerating when I said there's no way out. We are truly stuck here, there is no exit in the maze. I should know, I've mapped every inch of it.

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