XVIII. Just a whisper of Smoke

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Boom. And just like that, the doors, like my fate, are sealed. For a moment I just stand there motionless, trying to process what just happened. I stare straight ahead at the solemn grey doors, willing them to open. This can't be happening, no this didn't happen, it's all a dream. It must be.

Finally, the reality of the situation sets in, I am stuck in the maze. At night. With the grievers. This is not a dream, it's a nightmare, only real. Newt's words come back to haunt me, "no one has ever survived a night in the maze."

I slowly lower myself to the ground as tears begin to gather at the corners of my eyes, but I do not let them come. I do not want to die. Not yet. I've seen what the grievers can do, and it isn't pretty. Mostly though, I just miss my friends. Minho, Kate, Newt, Mal. I may never see them again.

"Help" I whisper to no one. "Please help." But no one is coming to save me. I am alone. I snap my head up when I hear a sound coming from somewhere deep in the maze. An unearthly moan, followed by a series of whirrs and clicks.

They are coming.

Minho's POV

I stare at the maze doors, in utter disbelief. She's gone.

Skylar, my skylar, is out there. All because of Jessica. After finally getting a handle on what just happened, I whip around to face her, white hot anger boiling in my veins. I am furious.

"You." I spat pointing at Jess. "I'll Kill you!"

"Minho... I... I... I didn't mean too!" Jess cries her hand covering her mouth in shock.  I start towards her, but Newt puts his hand out to stop me.

"Get out of my way." I growl, my hands clenching into fists at my side.

"No." Newt says, his jaw clenched in anger, as he chooses to do what he should instead of what he I know wants. That was why Newt was in charge, he could separate his feelings from his job. Something I couldn't always do. "Put her in the slammer for tonight, we will decide her fate tomorrow." He instructs a couple of boys who have gathered in front of the door. His teeth are gritted as he says it, and he doesn't look at her.

"Fine I'll kill her tomorrow." I say through equally gritted teeth. I look at the mess around me. I stand in front of the doors, fists clenched, veins popping out of my arms in rage. I see Jessica, bawling, as the boys drag her away towards the slammer. Then there's Newt, who stands between us, seemingly somewhat in control of himself, but I can see that he's shaking, violently. Mal has crumpled to the ground beside me, sobs racking her body as she cries into her hands. Kate kneels beside her, an absent expression clouding her face. Look what you've done I think at Jessica. You've Killed her.

Sky's face pops into my mind, her blue eyes sparkling with laughter, her red hair blowing in the breeze, and all the anger drains from my body. Replaced with a cold, hopeless, pain. I lost her.

I collapse on the ground, my back against the maze walls. My mind swims, everything becoming blurry, distant, like I'm hearing and seeing from underwater. I see Newt move, talking to someone, I don't know what he is saying. I'm vaguely aware of Kate and Mal, who still sit beside me crying. But I feel nothing. She is gone.

Kate's POV

I sit there for a long time, silently crying next to Mal. She didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve to die.

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