XXXVII. Surprise, Surprise

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I wake up and roll over, brining my eyes into focus as I look at my watch. Crap I'm gonna be late, why didn't Kate wake me up? I rip off the covers, and jump up. Quickly I throw on my clothes, still pulling on my shirt as I jog out the door. Luckily, no one is in the hallway. I snatch an apple from the kitchen as I run out into the glade, no time for breakfast today.

I wave to Newt as I pass by where he stands with Thomas, showing him the a griever through the window. He waves back and rolls his eyes, annoyed with the new greenie. Newt isn't a fan of questions. I feel bad for Thomas though, last night Gally tricked him into going into Ben's room. Seeing the changing is bad enough when you've been here a while, I can't imagine seeing it on the first day, and now he's looking at a griever. Poor kid, he's gonna have nightmares forever.

"Well you're late." Minho comments when I jog up to the already opening doors, half eaten apple still in hand.

"Morning to you too." I say tossing my apple to the ground as I take off jogging.

"Sorry babe, be careful." He laughs as we split, turning down different corridors. Kate and I run together a little further before she turns off into her section.

"See ya Kate."

"See ya Sky!" She yells, her voice echoing off the towering stone walls of the maze.

Sighing I run down my corridor, barely slowing as I slice a piece of ivy off the walls. Over the weeks I have gotten good at doing simple tasks without stopping, note taking for example. At first I had to almost stop when I wrote something, now I do it almost without thinking. Knowing your section helps too, as you can turn corners without looking. I don't take as many notes as I used too, now that I know the maze, I mostly rely on my memory.

As usual I find nothing new, and turn to head back to the glade, I didn't have time to pack a lunch today, so I don't bother to stop for a break. Just quick sip of water, then it's off and running again. I watch as a red light blinks from behind the ivy. A beetle blade, the creators spies. Hmm...the creators are watching me? I smirk, look straight at the beetle blade, and stick out my tongue. Then I fling my knife, pinning the beetle to the wall, the red light blinking twice before going out. Take that creators. I decide it's not dangerous if it's dead, and rip out my knife, picking up the beetle by one of its legs and tossing it into my backpack before jogging off.

I reach the glade a half hour early, due to not taking a lunch break. I come back to find the glade in complete chaos, people running about, speaking to each other in hushed whispers.

"Good you're back." Newt says, rushing past me towards the homestead. "Hurry up and map, then head to the med-jack room."

"What's going on?" I ask suddenly worried that it might involve Minho or Kate, what if one of them got stung? My best friend or boyfriend, neither of which I want to lose.

"No time, I'll explain later, just go." He says hurrying off. That pretty much rules out anyone getting stung, it takes like three seconds to explain that. Plus, someone getting stung wouldn't cause this much chaos. Confused, I head to the map room, anxious to get it over with and figure out what's going on.

"Would someone please tell me what's going on?" I ask falling into step next to Mal, who is walking quickly towards the homestead, a bucket of water in her hand.

"Um, Where do I start...." She sighs as we walk.

"At the beginning!" I yell, impatient and wanting answers.

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