XVII. In the Blink of an eye

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I spent most of the morning giving Mal the tour. Showing her the griever, explaining the jobs and how they work, introducing her to the other gladers, warning her about Gally, ect. ect. I didn't mind that much, and it was nice to have a break from running. After the tour we decided to bother Newt until lunch time, because did I mention that annoying him is my favorite hobby?

I walk over and sit on the ground right where he was attempting to plant some seeds. Mal laughs but stands off to the side, still too unsure of herself to join in.

"Seriously?" Newt asks "can't you sit somewhere else?"

"Nope." I reply popping the 'p'. Newt sighs and steps around me, continuing his work on the other side. Apparently he's not in the mood for games.

Disappointed, I stand up and head for the kitchen, Mal on my heels. Usually frypan won't let us raid his kitchen, but maybe he'll make an exception for the greenie.

"Hey, Fry, is there any chance I could get lunch eearly?" I ask, skipping into the kitchen.

"No." Frypan answers, not even bothering to look up from the sandwich he's making.

"Plllleeeeeaaaassssee, it's for the greenie." I beg sticking out my lower lip and batting my eyelashes.

"Fine... but don't tell the others." He says, smiling and pointing to the cabinet. Fry was always a lot nicer than he pretended to be.

"Oookkaay." I chirp and skip over to the pantry, I'm in an unusually good mood today. I pull out two oranges and toss one to Mal, grabbing two sandwiches before heading out the door. "Thanks Fry!!" I yell backwards as we leave. I hear a muffled 'mmhm' as I close the door behind me.

Mal and I sit under a tree near the deadheads, happily munching on our lunches. I watch the gladers milling around, doing this and that, talking among themselves as they work. It's incredible really, what a group of teens with no memory was able to create. A functioning, self-sufficient community, inside a monster infested maze. I mean come on, that's pretty amazing.

"Hey shuck-face." A voice calls, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turn to find Jessica standing a few feet away. I haven't even spoken to her since I got here. Kate and Jessica are basically enemies, and since I'm best friends with Kate....Jessica hates me too. At least I guess she does, like I said I've never really talked to her. She pretty much avoids me at all costs: That's why I'm so confused, what could she possibly want with me?

"What do you want Jess?" I say. Kate's warnings have made me wary of her. According to Kate, she's nuts.

"I've noticed you spending a lot of time with Minho lately." She says giving me a dirty look. "Stay away from him."

"What are you the relationship police?" I ask, getting to my feet, "I'll hang out with who I want, when I want, for as long as I want, thank you very much." I add, what's with this chick?

"He's myyy boyfriend so you better back off!!!" She yells. Someone else might worry about cheating, but I know for a fact that she's lying, Minho hates Jess almost as much as Kate does.

I laugh, she's trying to threaten me, how cute. "Well then I guess he has some explaining to do." I say smirking, "because that would mean he has two girlfriends."

"You're lying... If you get in between us....I'll, I'll.." She stammers.  She obviously doesn't believe me that I'm serious.

It takes everything I have not to roll my eyes, stick out my tongue, and punch her in the face. "No, no, not lying, go ask Minho if you don't believe me."

"JESSICA!!!" someone yells, interrupting her next threat. She narrows her eyes at me before sulking out into the glade.

"Too bad, it was just getting fun." I mutter turning back to where Mal sits speechless. "Sorry about that, she's psycho." I say, shaking my head.

"uh yeah I'd say so." Mal agrees. She looks thoughtful for a moment before asking her question. "So Minho?"

"Ya what about him?" I say my mouth full of orange.

"Is he your boyfriend? Cause that's what you made it sound like." She giggles, "plus he called you 'babe' last night."

I give her a wry smile. "Well last night he was just being an idiot, we are together though, but we haven't really told everyone yet, so." I say shrugging as I take a bite out of my sandwich.

Mal smiles, "you were right Sky, things might not be so bad here."

"Told ya." I say winking at her. "So what do you think so far?" I ask standing and brushing the dirt off my pants.

"Well most people seem pretty nice, especially Newt." She says a light blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Ooooo someone's got a crush." I tease poking her in the arm. "It's ok I won't tell, he is nice...most of the time, and he's pretty funny too.....but don't tell him I said that, or I'll never hear the end of it." I say, laughing as we walk away few the deadheads. I will let no one, not even a psycho like Jess, ruin my good mood.

"Ok." Mal laughs walking with me.

The rest of the afternoon we spend walking around, talking about pointless things. I find myself waiting for the runners to return, even if I don't realize that's what I'm doing. Finally I spot someone bouncing through the glade doors, Minho. I look at my watch, he's back early I think, getting up to walk over to him.

I jog over and without a second thought, wrap my arms around him in a hug. He laughs and wraps his arms around my waist, hugging back. I'm in a ridiculously good mood, and right now I don't particularly care who sees us.

"You're back early." I mumble into his chest.

"Maybe, I missed someone." He whispers next to my ear. His voice is low and deep sending shivers down my body. I smile and pull away. "Plus I didn't take any 'extra breaks' today." He winks, an evil grin spreading across his face, eyes shining with mischief . Will that smile ever stop making my heart race? Probably not.

"Aww what a shame, well maybe tomorrow." I say winking back at him.

"Ewww!!!!" Kate yells pretending to stick her finger down her throat as she jogs over, joining us is front of the doors.

"Well hello to you too Kate." I laugh, rolling my eyes.

Suddenly realizing she didn't follow me, I look around for Mal, and spot her talking to Newt, who is headed towards us anyway. I laugh, causing the other two to look for what I'm laughing at.

"Aww Newt and the greenie." Kate says just quiet enough for them not to hear. We all laugh.

Just as Mal and Newt reach us, I hear the doors start to close behind me. I don't bother to move away, I'm used to them now. Mal, however, is not, and looks slightly terrified.

"It's ok Mal, it's just the doors, they alwa..." I'm cut off by someone yelling in my face.

"I told you to stay away from my boyfriend!!!" It's Jess and she's angry. Before I can react, her hands slam into my shoulders, sending me flying backwards.

Backwards. Backwards through the doors. Backwards into the maze.

I land on the hard stone, my left wrist taking most of the force. Shocked I look up, and for a split second I see the horrified faces, Newt, Minho, Kate, Mal...Jess? Then, unable to register what just happened, I watch as the doors seal shut with one final, earth shaking boom.

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