XLI. Insanity

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I wake up in someone else's bed, laying on top of the covers. I look around, and realize that I'm in Minho's room. Why the shuck am I in Minho's room? The ache of my jaw reminds me of why I was sleeping, but doesn't fix the problem of why I'm here.

Suddenly the bathroom door opens, and Minho steps out, holding a wet washcloth in his hands. He makes his way over to me before realizing I'm awake. "Oh you're awake, hey babe, how you feeling?" He asks sitting down on the bed and pressing the cloth against my jaw. I wince in pain.

"Ow..Ok?" I answer glancing around the room, hinting at my confusion.

"Med-jack room was full." He explains laughing. I attempt to move the cloth away from my jaw, but he swats my hand away and puts it back. "I know it hurts, but it'll help, trust me, I've had a lot of experience with bruises."

"Is Gally?" I ask, his name making my blood boil. "Is he in the med-jack room?" It wouldn't be too much to think that he might have taken a beating after that.

"Unfortunately, no." Minho answers, frowning at the thought. "After he ran out of the homestead, we had to take care of you and finish the gathering, by the time we went to look for him we couldn't find him. But believe me, when we do, he's gonna pay."

"Speaking of the gathering, what did they decide?"

"Thomas gets a day in the slammer, then we'll train him to be a runner."

"Good thing they didn't listen to your idea." I say rolling my eyes at him. Keeper of the runners. Ha. No.

"Hey! I said I knew what I was doing, aim high, hit low. Worked perfectly." Minho says faking an evil grin.

"So you never actually meant for him to be keeper?"

"Shuck no!"

"Good I was worried about your sanity." I snicker, looking up at him.

"My sanity? You're clearly the crazy one." Minho teases. I look at him thoughtfully for a minute before answering.

"You're right, I put up with you after all, I must be crazy." I say winking at him and sticking out my tongue.

"Hey! That's it!" Minho says pouncing on me and tickling my sides.

"Minho.... Stop... No...." I gasp laughing and trying desperately to escape.

"Take it back." He says not letting me go.

"Ok, ok, I take it back." I say, my side hurting from laughing so hard.

"Better." He says finally letting me go.

"Good." I gasp, still trying to catch my breath. He laughs and leans down to kiss me. The kisses are slow and painful due to my jaw, but I never want him to stop.

"Minho!!" Someone yells from the door way, but I can't see who.

"What?" He asks annoyedly, snapping his head up to look at whoever is standing in the door way.

"What are you doing?" This time I recognize the voice as belonging to Clint.

"What's it look like I'm doing Clint? What do you want?" He says standing up and crossing his arms, obviously annoyed with him.

"Hey Clint what's up?" I say sitting up in the bed, deciding this will be less awkward if I acknowledge his presence.

"Uh... I... Uh... Heard her screaming..and thought Gally or someone found her." Clint says awkwardly, drawing a whole new conclusion when he realizes it's just Minho.

Minho and I both burst into laughter, as Clint's face reddens with embarrassment. "He was tickling me." I explain, through my laughter.

"Because you said I was crazy!" Minho adds.

"Oh. Uh, bye then." Clint says quickly before walking off. Minho rolls his eyes and sits back down next to me.

"That's what you get for tickling me." I snicker.

He shakes his head and laughs. "Clint's and idiot."

"Ya well what if it hadn't been you?"

"Then I guess I would be thanking him for saving you instead of mad at him." He answers with a smirk. "But it was me so."

"Whatever slinthead." I say shoving him off the bed. I swing my legs over the bed and stand up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Minho asks picking himself up off the floor.

"To bed."

"Hmm, no I don't think you are." He says. Grabbing me around the waist, he turns me around, gently slamming me back down on the bed. I giggle as he pins me down with his arms.

"This is for pushing me off the bed." He says with a smirk.

"Minho." I whine, still trying to squirm out of his grip. "I have to go."

"How about no, I won't do anything I promise! I don't want you to leave, it's boring by myself. I just want someone to talk tooooo." He whines collapsing on top of me, his face buried in the comforter beside my head.

"Hey you're squishing me get off." I giggle trying unsuccessfully to push him off. "seriously I can't breathe." At that he pushes himself up on one arm, then apparently decides I can breathe because he flops back down, crushing me again.

"Alright, Alright, I'll stay" I say finally kissing his forehead. He pushed himself onto his forearms, and kisses me, looking happier than he has in a while.

"Really?" He asks, laying down beside me.

"Yes," I laugh, kissing him again, "but you better behave yourself."

"Always," He says with a wink, his lips skimming against my ear, then sliding down my cheek before coming to rest against my mouth. I could tell it was going to be a good night.

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