XXX. No Knives for idoits

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"So I have a question?" I ask, as we walk hand in hand back to glade.

"Anything." Minho answer happily. After sleeping for two hours, he's in a much better mood, and I'm glad. I was really starting to worry about him.

"When I tried out for med-jack, and I stitched up your face?" I start not really sure how to put my question into words.

"Ya...what about it?" He asks, but the look on his face says he knows exactly what I'm about to ask.

"You didn't.... I mean that wasn't on purpose...was it?" I ask blushing at the stupidity of my own question. Of course it wasn't on purpose, but that little bit of doubt....

"Maybe....." He answers slowly, his lips twisting into a smirk.

"What?!" I yell stopping dead in my tracks and turning to face him. "What did you do?!"

" may have involved a knife....." He mutters looking sheepishly at the ground.

"And an idiot!" I shout throwing my arms up in utter disbelief.

He laughs and shrugs, "it was worth it." "Worked didn't it?" He adds with a wink.

"No, well Ya but!" I say my thoughts scrambled in my mind. "It definitely wasn't worth it! You could have just..." I shake my head unable to finish. Then start again. "I can't believe you-" He interrupts my sentence with a kiss.

"What was that you were saying?" He asks between kisses. I smile, mad at him for distracting me, but feeling flattered at the same time.

"That." Kiss.
"Your." Kiss.
"An." Kiss.
"Idio.." He kisses me again, but longer this time, cutting me off.

"Hmm?" He murmurs against my lips, and I can feel his smile. I give up trying to talk and let him win for now, closing my eyes and resting my hands on his chest. His hands slide around my waist, pulling me closer, never taking his lips off mine. If this is losing, I might have to do it more often......

"Ya, definitely worth it." He says pulling back to face me, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. I scowl at him before playfully slapping him in the face. I finally smile, rolling my eyes and shaking my head in disapproval. He just laughs, knowing he won. No one ever wins an argument with me. Ever.

Shuck it I'm in love with a runner.

Newt gives us a suspicious look as we exit the woods, Minho's arm still slung around my waist. I look down at the ground until Mal runs across the glade, flinging herself into Newt's arms. Then it's my turn to laugh as his face turns red. After that we all walk to dinner together, joking and talking about anything that comes up.

When we enter the room I look to our usual table, only to find it occupied by Gally and a couple of his fellow slintheads. Bad mistake, that's our table and he knows it. I poke Minho, getting his attention before pointing to our table. The others notice it too, and are right behind me as I head over to the table.

"Gally, get up." I sigh, so done with his stupid games. "That's our table and you know it."

"I don't see your name on it?" He replies, boredly looking up from his food. But his 'friends' are not so brave, and quickly leave, giving him apologetic looks. If he was smart he'd leave too.

"Gally now..." I growl, my hand instinctively moving to my knife. While it may look innocent, this is Gally's way of rebelling, his way of telling us he's in charge and not us. Well, we will see about that. I feel Minho tense behind me, his hands clenching into fists.

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