XIV. Innocence

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Bang! The door flies open. Apparently our Kate and I's late night adventure had not gone unnoticed. Trying to cheer me up, Kate had decided a few pranks were in order.

"Was it you?" Newt asks, not even bothering to wait for us to wake up.

"Was what me? Newt, what are you talking about?"  I reply still groggy from getting two hours of sleep. I pretend to have no idea what he's talking about, resisting the overwhelming urge to burst into laughter.

"If you did it, you would bloody know." He replies flatly, "Kate?" He asks moving to her side of the room.

"Shank, I don't even know what the klunk you're talking about." She yawns.

Newt sits on the edge of the bottom bed, running his fingers through his hair. "Well, get up anyway, it looks like a we have a couple of bloody pranksters on the loose." He says getting up and walking out.

The instant he's gone we both burst into laughter. Apparently we laugh too soon, as the door re-opens a few seconds later.

"I knew it was you!" Newt is back now, and he's not happy. Kate and I both freeze.

"Oh come on Newt, it was funny and you know it." I say, laughing again. Maybe if I can just get him to laugh, the punishment won't be too bad.

"No it wasn't." He says sternly.

"Come on, you can't pretend you didn't enjoy Gally getting what he deserves." I say rolling my eyes at him. He finally laughs, even Newt knows that was funny.

"Ok, you got me it was funny, but naming a bloody cow after me however, wasn't." He says trying and failing, to wipe the smile off his face. Just remembering that sets us off laughing again. Newt just shakes his head and leaves.

After getting dressed we head down to breakfast. As we pass the other tables I hear bits and pieces of conversations.

"I can't believe Gally peed his pants."
Haha so it worked.

"How do you get sharpie off?" 

"How come someone named a cow after me?"

"Who do you think it was?"

So Newt didn't tell them it was us. I am still celebrating our victory when a pair of eyes stops me in my tracks.

Minho. I had actually forgotten. He stares at me with a curious look in his eyes, probably wondering why I'm so happy. That look drains every last bit of happiness out of me, the pain of yesterday burning fresh in my mind. My smile disappears, replaced with a frown, as we sit at our table.

"So, I've decided on your punishment." Newt says causing everyone at the table to look at us.

"It was them?" Minho asks, confused. Newt nods, a small smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth.

"Sky, Kate, you have to clean up all the toilet paper that is all over our rooms, before you go running." He tells us, pointing towards the stairs. Minho almost laughs, but doesn't say anything.

We groan, knowing we used a lot of paper. If we don't do it now we'll be late, and in the maze, where seconds count, you really don't want to be late. This isn't going to be fun, but we head up the stairs anyways. It was still worth it, even if I have to miss breakfast.

"Why don't we split up, it'll get done faster." I sigh, opening the door to Minho's room.

"Kay, meet ya at the doors." Kate says, walking to Newt's door. It creaks loudly as she steps through; it's a miracle we didn't wake them up last night.

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