XXXI. Gathering 3

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"All in favor of Mallory becoming a med-jack, raise your hand." Alby shouts over the chaotic din of the gathering. Clint has pretty much claimed Mal for himself, as far as jobs go, and no one really has any better ideas, so, as expected, all hands go up.

"Well that settles it, I'll go get her." Newt says, standing to retrieve Mal, who sits outside the door awaiting our decision. This gathering has been a relatively calm one, mostly due to the fact that Gally isn't here. Mal enters the room, looking around nervously for a chair. I pull one out and motion for her to sit beside me. She does, giving me a grateful smile as she takes her seat. I know how it feels when your future has been decided without you, and she has every right to be nervous.

"Mal you get the job of.....Med-jack!" Newt says, a big smile spreading across his face. I know he was worried she'd get a dangerous job, like runner or slicer, but we all know she isn't cut out for either. Mal breathes out a sigh of relief beside me, and slumps in her chair, the tension rolling off her shoulders.

"Congrats!" I whisper to Mal, squeezing her hand in encouragement. Usually, at this point we would go have a bonfire, but between still having to discuss the whole 'Gally issue' and the time of night, we decided it could wait until tomorrow. Everyone else is still murmuring their congratulations when Newt and Alby start yelling for everyone to be quiet.

"Slim it!!!!, clearly one of our council members is missing." Alby states, his voice starting in a yell and slowly lowering as the other voices die out. Every head in the room turns to Gally's empty chair. How could we not notice? Everything went smoothly for once.

"Gally is out because he has some...err...injuries." Alby continues, Minho's face lighting up in a satisfied smile at the part about Gally's 'injuries'. I laugh at the ridiculousness of the whole thing. Gally thinks he so tough, yet gets his butt kicked every. Single. Time. Yet here we are once again trying to decide what to do with him. I don't even know why he is on the council to begin with.

"He threatened Sky and I beat the crap out of him. End of story." Minho says finishing the explanation for Alby, who would have undoubtedly taken a good thirty minutes to say basically the same thing. Everyone snickers, clearly just as happy as Minho that Gally finally got what he deserved.

"Yes, and now we have to decide what to do with the three of you." Newt says rolling his eyes, probably at the fact that Minho and I are involved in yet another controversy.

"The three of us? What did I do?" I ask wondering how the heck I got dragged into this, sure I punched him, but it was self defense.

"You are involved in this too Skylar, just because Minho did most of the damage doesn't mean you didn't play a part." Alby says, using my full name. I huff in annoyance but manage to keep my mouth glued shut.

"Now what do we want to do with them?" Newt asks flipping the page on his note pad, readying for all the ideas. I slide down in my chair, preparing to sit through the dozens of pointless arguments that are sure to follow.

"Skylar, Minho, out." He says pointing to the door without even bothering to look up.

"What?! But Newt!" I protest sitting up straight in my chair. "How are we supposed to defend ourselves?"

"You're not. I know what happened Sky. Now we can't decide what to do with you if you're here, so leave." Newt replies, gesturing to the door.

"But I got to stay last time, after I went out in the maze?!" I beg, the only thing worse than sitting through a meeting about yourself, is sitting outside a meeting about yourself.

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