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"Newt! Newt! they're not back! I gasp running to meet him in the center of the glade. Because of the girl in a coma, I'd been asked to stay behind and help the med-jacks again. Reluctantly, I had agreed. Now I desperately wish I hadn't. Alby and Minho had left hours ago in search of the dead griever, in minutes the doors would close, and they still weren't back. I know Minho likes to cut it close, but he wouldn't do that today, not after everything that's happened.

"I know Sky, shuck it, I know." Newt says, not even stopping as we both break into a sprint for the doors. Panic sets in as a small group of gladers form around the doors.

"What happens if they don't make it back?" The newbie, Thomas, asks innocently. I realize he doesn't know any better, but his question makes me want to punch him in the face.

"They will." Newt answers glancing at me, his eyes betraying how little he believes that. His expression is full of sadness, dark shadows loom in his eyes, his face pale with terror. I don't think I've ever seen someone look so sad, so scared. He looks how I feel. We both know Minho is too smart to get lost, if they aren't back, something has gone terribly wrong.

"But what if they don't." Thomas asks again, not satisfied with Newt's answer.

"Thomas if you don't shut your shucking mouth, I'll shove you in and you can personally find out what happens." I snap, the panic growing inside me with every second that ticks by.

"They're gonna make it, they have to." Newt comments, more to himself than to anyone else. Alby and Minho are his best friends, so if anyone knows what I'm going through right now, it's him. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch chuck whispering something to Thomas, something about how no one ever survives a night in the maze. No one except me, I silently correct.

"There they are!!!" Thomas suddenly shouts pointing into the maze. I snap my head up and sure enough coming down the corridor is Minho, but something is wrong. Alby. Alby is slung over Minho's shoulder, completely limp as he is dragged along. They're not going to make it.

My world slows to a crawl as I hear the muffled shouts of the other gladers, yelling encouragement. I can only stand there, watching in horror as the walls begin to close. Don't leave me, I silently beg, unable to open my mouth. Please don't leave me. Suddenly Newt screams, shocking me out of my trance. "Tommy don't you bloody do it." I glance to Thomas who looks into the maze, and then at us, before taking off through the closing doors. "No!" Newt yells, trying to grab ahold of Thomas, but Thomas is too fast and gets away. He's insane, he has no clue what he's up against. I should have followed him. Stupid greenie.

At the last second I make a decision, taking off my backpack, I toss it into the maze behind Thomas. I know my backpack contains at least matches, medical supplies, and water. I can't make it through the doors, but maybe I can still help.

Then the doors close with a sickening thud, their weight crushing my heart. I sink to my knees, my body shaking with emotion. I can't believe it, I refuse to believe it. I want to cry, anything to relieve the pressure building in my chest, but I can't, instead, I sit there numbly, my brain empty for words. I can't wrap my mind around what has happened, and I don't want to.

He will not die, he will make it, I tell myself over and over again as the hours tick by. Minho is strong, he knows the maze better than any of us, if anyone stands a chance, it's him. Although everyone assumes the worst, you can survive the maze, I'm living proof of that. Minho will live I tell myself again. As for Alby and the greenie, I can't bring myself to have that much false hope.

"He's Fine....they're fine....I'm fine......" I mumble to myself pacing back and forth. Insanity pulling at the edges of my mind. The world is blurry, faces and people blending together in an endless stream of voices and words. Nothing looks right, the entire world has been flipped upside down, and is spinning in circles.

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