Chapter 1

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Luke's P.O.V.

Just picture this, a prospering wolf pack, strong wolves with their mates and cheerful pups, an abundance of food and land, no wars, hardly any rouges, just peace and happiness.

That was a normal day in the Blackwell pack.

But today wasn't an ordinary day, today is day where all the unmated wolves in our pack set off on a journey to find their mates. It was bittersweet day, we would gain new pack members and lose some as well. I didn't have a mate but I wasn't going out today, I'm eighteen and I haven't found my mate.

 I know what you're thinking, "You're only eighteen". It's true, I'm in my last year of high school, I was currently in training to become Alpha when I turn twenty-one, I have applied to the top colleges in the area and the feedback was great and I have my entire life ahead of me but that was just the human side of it.

My first shift happened two days after my thirteenth birthday and ever since my wolf and I existed harmoniously, moving as one. It's been five lonely years and I am tired of going to foreign packs in hopes of finding my mate, which brings me to where I am today. I was standing on porch of the pack house, watching my parents address those who were going out today. I looked down as someone joined me.

"Do you think they're going to like me?" Isabel smoothed her dress and her blonde hair back. We've been going out for a couple months and she was what I ideally wanted in a mate. She was decent to everyone one she meets, doesn't let anyone take advantage of her and had quite a naughty side.

I grinned at that thought and wrapped an arm around her waist before pressing a kiss to her forehead, "They're going to love you." I looked up and saw that the crowd was gone. I watched with a smile and as my parents shared a couple of kisses and a comforting embrace, it amazed me that after 22 years, they still managed to love each other as the day they met.

"Luke?" Dad asked in surprise as they turned around to see Isabel and I standing there. "I could've sworn you went on your journey today."

My mom's blue eyes narrowed onto Isabel. I growled lightly and pulled her behind me in order to protect her. "Who's that? What's the meaning of this? Why are you here?" she looked at me in confusion. Dad pulled her closer to him, ready to stop her from shifting if necessary.

I cleared my throat and stood next to Isabel confidently. "This is Isabel, my...girlfriend. We've been going out for a while and we've decided that it's time to tell you about our relationship." I felt Isabel tremble under my mother's glare and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

I did not get the reactions I anticipated. My father was shocked but then his expression changed to one of...relief? Was he scared that I would never find a mate? My mother was shocked too but then her expression changed to one I was totally unfamiliar with; anger.

"Is she your mate?!" Mom demanded, her eyes flashing angrily. Isabel whimpered and stepped back as my father tightened his grip on her arm, maybe Mom had a temper that I didn't know about.

"No but I want to be with her," I felt Isabel's wolf swoon at my declaration.

"Is she your mate?!" Mom demanded again. "What are you going to do when you find your mate?!"

"I'm never going to find my mate!" I growled angrily. "I've been out there five times already, I went to the most distant packs, tolerated women throwing themselves at me hoping I'll be their mate! I'm tired of it!"

"You don't get to choose your mate, the Moon Goddess chooses for you," my mother said lowly, her fists balled in anger.

"Then too bad," I snarled. I didn't think Mom would react this way, I didn't think I would react this way either.

"Jonathan," Dad's Beta, Harvey, stood in the doorway. He assessed the situation but thankfully he didn't comment. "Alpha Ashworth is on the phone, I think you and Emma need to hear what he has to say."

Dad tugged at Mom's arm, "C'mon, Simon wouldn't call unless it was urgent." Mom conceded and let Dad lead her inside, but not without a look of disapproval and hatred targeted at Isabel. I released the pent up breath and slammed my fist into the wall.

"Your mom hates me," Isabel said, if I wasn't mistaken, I heard a bit of a whine in her voice. "How am I supposed to be Luna if I don't have your mom's approval?" She pouted as she looked up at me.

I wrapped my arms around her, "Relax, it's just a bit of a shock to her I guess." Isabel smirked and immediately my senses perked up.

Her fingers trailed down my chest, "Now that's over, why don't we pick up where we left off." I growled in approval as I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I carried her up to my room.

My wolf howled in protest and disgust at what I was about to do but I ignored him and shut our connection as I lay Isabel down and started taking off that pretty dress of hers.


"Luke, your father wants to see you," Harvey's voice sounded from the other side of my bedroom door. I groaned as I rubbed my eyes and looked over at a sleeping Isabel. "Now." 

I huffed and got out of bed and pulled on a pair of pants. As I walked to my father's study, I tried to tame my black hair. I walked into the office and sat down opposite my father at the meeting table. My mother looked at me with such disappointment that I couldn't meet her eyes.

"Luke, can the high school hold five more students?" my father asked. I noticed housing plans, pack boundaries and education schemes were strewn across the table.

"We can, it would be a tight fit in some classes more than others, but we can," I answered. "Why? Where are we getting five students?"

Dad sighed, "The Ashworth pack land is under attack by some new pack who wants land space." I stared at him in shock, the Ashworth pack was known for the Alpha's sons, they were the best fighters in the land. "I know what you're thinking, even I was shocked that Simon's pack is on the verge of losing, this new pack is force to be reckoned with."

"So where do the five students come in?" I asked. I already knew the answer and I didn't like it one bit.

"The Ashworth pack will be moving here," Dad said, "temporarily of course, just until they recover. Most of the pack is older, college aged but a couple kids, five to be exact, are still in high school. They'll be using that unfinished housing development we have on the southern fringe. Simon has even offered labour to complete it for us but I told him to focus on recovering first."

I sighed, "It seems reasonable. It'd be quite interesting to see how these newbies settle down in the middle of the school year."

"I expect that you will set an example by welcoming them and respecting them," Dad said sternly. "The Ashworth pack is not like ours, they have humans as well."

I raised an eyebrow at this information and nodded, "I'll do my best." I heard Isabel stirring upstairs, I needed to get back to her fast, she became really grumpy if I wasn't there next to her. "When do they arrive?"

"At the end of this week," Dad studied the change in my behavior before he heard a cry of frustration. "Just go." I ignore the pissed off growl from my mother as I went upstairs.   

Author's note: 

Picture of Luke at the top 

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