Chapter 29

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Luke's P.O.V.

I woke up during the night with the burning urge to pee. I groaned lightly as I unwound myself from Anastasia. I trudged to my bathroom still half asleep. I sighed as the cool air hit my bare skin as I walked back to bed. I paused for a moment, appreciating the beauty in front of me.

Ana was asleep on the right side of my bed, which worked out fine since I preferred the left, with her back to me. My wolf whined sleepily, wanting to maximise the peace with our mate before we left.

She moaned softly as my arms surrounded her again and I pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. I breathed in deeply as I stroked her stomach, waiting to succumb to sleep again.

"How did it all begin Luke?" Ana's soft voice stirred me out of my doze. She didn't need to explain what "it" was.

I sighed and pulled her closer to me, pressing her back firmly to my chest. "It was a house party. I had just turned eighteen and I was ready to conquer the world of alcohol. I either drank way past my limit or I'm a lightweight because I blanked out and woke up in a bed with Isabel. I started freaking out and the whole promise thing slipped out. I'm not going to lie, I've always thought that Isabel was pretty and I had heard rumours that she liked me so it worked out for everyone."

Ana was quiet before she rolled over to face me with her eyes half lidded with sleep. "Until I came along," she half smirked.

"Until the best thing that's ever happened to me came into my life," I kissed her forehead and saw her smile. "Come on love, two hours until sunrise."

Ana sighed happily as she nestled her head into my chest. I growled contentedly as my fingers stroked her back until her breathing evened out and my eyes slammed shut.


I woke up the next morning as I felt a pair of soft lips caressing the skin on my neck. I smiled as I opened my eyes to see Ana looking up at me. I cradled her face as she smiled sadly when my thumb rubbed her cheek. This was going to be hard for the two of us, neither of us had been away from each other since we marked each other and this wasn't the easiest of missions.

"We need to get going," Ana murmured. I leaned over and kissed her softly. A moan escaped my lips as Ana kissed back with an urgency that lit a flame in me. She gasped as my lips left hers and drifted towards her neck. Her body pressed even more into mine as I sucked hard on her mark, nipping when I felt like her. Her moans encouraged me as her hands roamed every inch of my skin that was available. I pulled back as her hands drifted to the top of my boxers.

I smirked as I saw the skin on her neck burned red in dim dawn light. "We need to get going," Ana rolled her eyes as I threw her words back at her. I watched her lazily as she climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom first. A cold feeling of dread filled me as the reality sunk in that I was leaving my mate in a couple of minutes.

We were quiet as we got ready. I tied a leather band around my ankle to hold my clothes when we shifted back. Ana tried to hide her fear and sadness but she couldn't, I felt her fear and worry and I tried to comfort her as much as possible. I kept my arm around her as we brushed our teeth. Ana slipped on a pair of shorts while I pulled a vest and shorts.

"Hey," I pulled her to me before we left the room. "I'm going to be fine." I pressed a kiss to her forehead. I hugged her close as she smiled begrudgingly.

There was a knock on the door but we didn't let it disturb our peace. "It's time Luke," Dad's voice broke the quiet. Ana pulled back sadly and we headed downstairs.

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