Chapter 32

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Luke's P.O.V.

My blood was hot and anger drowned out the pain I was experiencing as I glared at the man who was destroying my life, bite by bite.

All around me, my pack, my friends laid bloodied and bruised, injured and in pain and this bastard nearly killed my sole reason for existing. I glanced at Anastasia, for some reason my wolf loved her full name, she could barely stand as she was supported by Jared and Ronan. Her wolf was begging me not to do this alone but I had to; I was not going to let this man destroy my pack and numerous others.

I circled him slowly, baring my muzzle with my body wound taut, ready if Kali attacked first. The adrenaline in my veins blocked out all the pain I was feeling and every fibre of my being was filled with one goal; to kill Kali.

"Now child," Kali used that really creepy wolf speak, "do you really think you can kill me? Your mate, she's strong but you both are children; inexperienced clueless children."

I lunged, taking Kali off guard but he had fast reflexes as he swatted me away. Kali lunged and swiped his paw across my face. I howled in pain warm blood dripped from my eye into my mouth.

"How's the eye?" Kali sneered. I roared and sprinted as fast as I could. Kali dodged but I feinted and extended my claws and swiped at him.

Right back at you, I snarled as blood caked Kali's face.

He grinned and with wide eyes, well eye, he laughed, a sight straight out of a horror movie.

"Pain?" Kali shouted, "I don't feel pain, the poison that thrums through your veins ensures this."

Kali advanced slowly and I stepped back to create some distance between us. However, I underestimated the distance and Kali tackled me, sinking his teeth into my hide. He pressed his full weight unto me with one paw on my head, essentially pinning me to the ground.

Kali looked up and grinned, "Watch in despair, I will end this filthy bloodline today and your pack will be mine." I groaned as Kali laughed. I looked at everyone, my friends, my family, my Anastasia.

She was pale as she lay on the ground, propped against Jared, getting weaker and weaker by the second as the poison flowed through her veins. I could feel her wolf calling out to me. I tried my hardest to escape Kali's grasp but to no avail.

"This is the end, I have won" smiled Kali triumphantly.

In that moment, it felt as if it was the end. I looked over at Anastasia one last time, an apology for failing her from the moment I met her to the end. Ana was in pain as our eyes met, she was no longer panicking, admitting her defeat and accepting reality as a tear rolled down her cheek.

My wolf growled, how many times have Anastasia cried because of me? From beginning to end, I have caused her nothing but sadness and pain. I felt fresh anger bubble in my chest, I was not going to let her last memory of me, be one of pain. Ana later told me that the look in my eyes changed, as the most savage, primal roar left my lips. My muscles tensed and with one last burst of strength my claws slashed into Kali's side and kicked him over.

The force sent him tumbling down a small precipice. As fast as I could, I lunged and sank his teeth into Kali's neck. The impact of my attack propelled Kali to the bottom of the drop, impaling him on his side by a fallen log. I used his full strength pinning him to the log, biting and scratching any skin I could reach that was not my own. Kali roared and growled and tried to break free but with the weight of the log holding him back and amount of blood pouring from his wound, he was fighting a losing battle.

"You will not win," Kali spat as froth and blood dripped down, "You can't kill me and you don't have the guts to do it."

I looked down on him and cocked my head, "On a normal day I would not have, but today, I will make an exception just for you," the fact that I was using wolf speak barely registered in my head. "As long as anyone threatens my pack, my friends and especially my mate, they are my enemy and no mercy will be shown."

Kali growled as I placed both his paws on either side of his head and sank my teeth and claws in his neck and at the top of his head.

I paused, giving him a moment to say any last words. "Seems I have underestimated you" chuckled Kali. I rolled my eyes and twisted my body with my full weight against the log and with a resounding crack, Kali's head fell limp.

I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as all the adrenaline wore off. My wolf retreated into my mind as the pain and the reality of what I had done sunk in. I could faintly hear my father and Alpha Ashworth calling out to me. I cried out in pain as the pain of my pack rang through my head. I tried to pull back but I did not have the energy to disconnect.

I collapsed, my fur soaked in blood that burned. Every breath hurt more than the last as the pain became too great to bear. My vision blurred as my lids felt heavy and slowly the howls and babbles became dimmer.


Ana, I breathed. Ana I...

I know Luke, it's okay, just close your eyes.

I panicked slightly as my body registered someone holding my broken leg.

Shhhhhh, Luke. It's okay. Just close your eyes. It's okay. Just sleep.

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