Chapter 9

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Anastasia's P.O.V.

I tapped my foot impatiently as my eyes kept darting to the empty spot at the head table. Everyone was talking and the cafeteria full of chatter but I was too peeved to join in the conversation.

Xaden slid my lunch bag over to me. I sent him a withering look which he countered with a firm glare. I sighed and stopped looking over before ruffling through my bag for the sandwich I'd made myself for lunch. I ate it slowly, occasionally stealing glances over that table. 

"Oooooooo," Hayley teased, "Ana's got it bad." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Are you sure something else didn't happen at the party Ana?" Kenna joined in. 

Cael and Xaden chuckled and shook their heads. I ignored them as my eyes trailed over to the table again. I finally saw my target slide into his seat and I rummaged through to my bag for my book before stomping over there.

Seth's eyes opened in fear as I neared the table. "Save me," he whimpered and tried to hide behind Bryan. 

I shook my head and whacked his arm with my book as I sat on their table. I heard Luke's breathing stutter a little but I was too pissed at Seth to pay him any attention.

"That's for leaving me alone in Psychology," I growled lightly. Seth laughed and sat upright.

"I'm sorry," he said putting on the baby face which never worked on me, "I had a doctor's appointment."

"Honey, I could tell you that you need a strait jacket," I said in matter-of-fact tone, "didn't need to spend money to find that out." The boys chuckled. I felt Isabel's glare on me as the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

"What did I miss?" Seth asked and I opened my book so he could take pictures of the notes. 

I would lend him my book but we got a pretty insane amount of homework. Every nerve in my body tingled and I could faintly hear my wolf whimpering to turn around. Luke was so close but Isabel was too, despite what he said at the party. I believed in Luke but his actions, or lack of action, was making it hard to keep faith in him.

"Wait we have a project?" Seth flipped through the pages. "Pairs? Please tell me I'm paired with someone good."

"Ms. Wilson paired you with me," I said, "I think she figured out that no one else would willingly work with me."

"Thank the Moon Goddess," Seth said. "So what psychological phenomena are we focusing on?"

"I was thinking either Stockholm Syndrome or we could outline the shift in a individual's personality," I replied happily.

Seth eyed me suspiciously, "Which Disney movies are those from?'

I laughed and ducked my head, "Beauty and the Beast and Inside Out."

Every Friday night was movie night for the kids courtesy the white wall of one the Blackwell's houses, a projector and my laptop. Lots of kids from the Blackwell pack joined in too with their older siblings, Seth and his sister being one of them.

"Please watch Inside Out," Jason groaned. "I don't think I could handle anymore princess songs. I can't get the one from Sleeping Beauty out of my head." He pulled a face and started singing terribly comically off-key, "I know you..."

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