Chapter 37

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Anastasia's POV

I shrieked in mock fear as Damien chased me around and around. We ran circles around Dad and Nyal who managed to walk towards the Blackwells' house with dignity. I don't know how they managed it given what we were doing today.

We were going home.

After two weeks of the pack working with help of Blackwell packs, the rest of the wolves who were injured during the fight as well as the women and kids were going home. I had recovered most of my strength and was given a clean bill of health by the doctors yesterday and I had left the hospital with a total physiotherapy plan to get me back up to dancing standard. The news had lifted a huge weight off not only my shoulders but my family's. Axel was now the only one on the mend but he had been allowed to travel but he was restrained from taking on heavy duty jobs with the move. Which was why we left him behind to organise the cars and our pack, I personally thought that this would be very good character building for him.

Not only you, Damien said as he tackled me and hoisted me over his shoulder. I grunted as he laughed in boyish happiness, a laugh that I rarely heard and cherished dearly.

"I swear you two have regressed your mentalities to those of three year olds," Nyal muttered.

"Ooooo," Damien retaliated, "pulling out the multisyllabic words are we?"

I tapped his shoulder lightly, "Damien," I warned. I looked at Nyal apologetically, "Sorry."

Nyal gave me a thin smile that conveyed his apology for snapping. Nyal was the most stressed one out of all us as he had to create efficient plans and liaise between the two packs. I had Dad's word that he would get some sleep on the ride back home.

I suddenly felt the floor beneath my feet as we had arrived at my second home in the Blackwell territory. I walked right in as if I lived there, which I technically did until last night as I packed my stuff.

"Morning everyone," I stood in the doorway to the kitchen. Emma and Jonathan were already dressed with the remnants of breakfast still on the table.

"Morning dear," Emma said before draining her mug with tea, "all ready for today?"

"All set," Dad and I answered in unison. The conversation continued on as I felt a mournful tug at my gut. I quietly excused myself and walked up to Luke's room.

I stood at the foot of our bed watching Luke as he stood at the window wall. Like Axel, he was still on the mend but he was given the a-okay to help out. This week's recovery milestone was being able to walk without a mobility aid. His ribs were still bruised and some bones not right but he was almost there.

Luke kept looking out at the lake as I took the time to admire his form. My wolf crooned in delight at our male, the newfound quiet confidence that exuded from him, the calmness with he approached and managed the Blackwell volunteers these past few weeks. I wrapped my arms around him from behind.

"Are you ready?" I murmured, pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade.

"Yes," his answer was devoid of emotion, as if he was forcing himself not to think, "Seth and Bryan will be here in ten minutes." Seth and Bryan were heading up to Ashworth territory with us today. Jason had gone up a couple days ago, leading the second set of volunteers.

I reached out to him using our bond, not entirely surprised to find his thoughts and emotions closed off from me. I hummed quietly, waiting for an explanation that may never come.

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