Chapter 31

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Anastasia's P.O.V.

I reared back and bared my teeth as I saw the man who tormented my pack for months standing before us. My blood was hot and my limbs trembled from the self-restraint I needed to keep back my wolf from attacking. Xaden and Luke mimicked my posture, if they would attack with me or stop me was the real question.

"Kali," Dad allowed himself to talk while in wolf form. I could feel Luke's shock and he was kind of freaked out a little but he kept a poker face. It was a skill Dad taught my brothers and I and we were really good at it but I never used it because it weirded me out to no end.

"Ah Simon, how lovely to see you again," I crouched low, never taking my eyes off the stocky man with stringy hair, waiting for the order. "Jonathan, I am surprised to see you here. I never thought that you would drag your pack here to die."

Don't listen to him, Luke warned, including me in his pack mindlink, he's manipulative, half this battle is going to be fought mentally.

"I wasn't until you took one of my own," Jonathan replied, using the same wolf-human speak. "Where is he Kali?"

Kali gestured to one of his members and the brought Harvey to the front. He was bound and gagged and barely conscious as his veins were tinged with purple. Bryan growled loudly as he saw his father.

"What did you do to him Kali?" Jonathan asked lowly.

"Nothing much," Kali motioned for his men to release Harvey and he fell to the ground, "he's a good man, too bad he is paying the price for it."

"Maximus," Dad growled, "we're going to give you one chance. Release Harvey and surrender."

Get ready, I told everyone as Kali's form began to tremble.

Kali snarled, "Never."

On Damien's howl we attacked, My brothers, Luke and I easily led the pack. My teeth sank into the first Nightwalker wolf I found. His blood was bitter as I bit down harder and threw him behind me, discarding him as if he were a toy.

I let my wolf fully consume my mind. She was in her element, thankful for the chance to release her anger and attack the people who were responsible for this entire situation. She attacked almost blindly, sinking her claws and teeth into any wolf with purple tinged fur. I was vaguely aware of Luke near me, attacking and dodging wolves as he took them down, one by one.

I howled in pain as a wolf got a hold of my hind leg. I turned around, trying to swat him away but he bit down harder, causing me to whine in pain. I snarled loudly as Luke barrelled into the wolf, throwing him off of me. I crouched down breathing through the pain as Luke finished him off.

Are you okay? Luke looked at me, his muzzle and paws tinged red with blood.

I snarled loudly and jumped over Luke, tackling a wolf who attempted to ambush him from behind. My teeth sank into his neck and there was a resounding crack as the wolf went limp. I bared my muzzle as Luke looked at me. I sensed his sadness but we had no time to discuss as Xaden howled. Without a word Luke and I attacked simultaneously, easily taking down the two wolves who ambushed him.

The grass became soaked with blood, both from our packs and the Nightwalker as we fought tooth and claw. My brothers, Luke and I lead the charge, striking down wolf by wolf as we neared the three alphas who were engaged in two-on-one combat.

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