Chapter 42

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After we had returned back to the house the girls ran off together and I walked back up to the room I had been staying in. I passed no one on the way, which didn't seem right, and shut the door behind me. Then, I kicked off the sneakers on my feet and sat down, cross-cross, on the floor where I was standing to untie them.

Then I heard him. Coming from the bathroom, I heard a slight tapping of a shoe, as if it was just the balls of one's feet, I didn't even know how I could hear it. Just as soon as I had heard it, it disappeared. But I knew it had been there.

I quickly pulled the sneakers back on and stood up, being sure to stay silent, and maneuvered my way to the window farthest away from all of the doors. I made sure to prepare myself to launch out of the window. With a glance, I made sure it was unlocked, and in one swift motion it was completely opened and I was partially out of it. I was hanging onto to edge of the roof before I heard any sounds from the room and I was a couple feet to the very top when a pair of hands hit the edge where I was moments prior.

Markus' body soon appeared as I was standing on the ridge that connected the two main sides of the roof. I instinctively moved to back away only to be met with the smooth panel of metal sliding down behind me. Instant death awaiting if I was to fall.

By my body language and facial expression, it was clear he was not wanted, nor was he welcome.

"So, was escaping to the roof not clear enough? Someone needs to take a hint."

"Cheyenne, I know, you hate me, but will you please just hear me out? Just give me a chance to explain things. Let me explain everything completely to you and then you decide if you want to hate me or not," Markus spoke, the soft wind tousling his hair and clothes. I'm sure we both looked like wrecks, I know I did and with him, he was so stressed you could see it in his eyes, he was torn between what do.

"Markus, I don't know who you think you are or who you think I am, but you cannot treat other people like shit and then expect them to listen and obey you. I don't know what you've been thinking or what your problem is, but people are not your property, and no one has to act the way you want them to. You anducted me! Do you even know what that means? Do you even understand what that is? I really don't think you do, and you can't request for me to hear you out if you don't understand what you've done to me."

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