October 14th

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My school day went by in a flash. The classes were easy. The teachers were actually fun an exciting. The students were nice, some boys were overly-nice. The girls were uninteresting. I mostly kept all my guy friends as my little social group.

After school, Sheldon dragged me to the school's acting auditions because he was directing it. He was my ride home.

So I gave it a shot. I mean, what could happen? Yeah, I tried out for the school play. I thought I would do horrible, but I guess not. I'm a main character. Not the most important one, just a semi-important one.

I felt special.

I played a girl named Elisa. Apparently, a young girl is dying from a disease. This is back in the 1700's. So a girl and her friends set out to find the proper medicine and doctors. It'a about their journey. Elisa is the dying girl... how cheery... I make appearances at the beginning, the end, and a few times throughout the middle to show how I'm doing.

But you know who never made an appearance? Jack.

He never ghosted through stage left or blew a chilly air in the lighting booth.

After that whole thing, I had approached the cross country coach and asked him if I could join the team. He had told me I was too late to sign up, but I would be the first one on his list if I wanted to do track in the spring.

But I didn't want to do track. So that was out of the question.

We left in Shel's cute little car. It's quite old, but finely refurbished. He said he did it himself. Do I believe him? No, but who is going to tell him that?

When I was dropped at home, I gushed to my mother the news about the play. She was very excited and couldn't wait for opening night. Apparently, she was a theater girl when she was young.

I wrapped up my day by hanging with Gabriela and Austin, Chris and Meghan, and Cale and Ted. We wemt to Austin's house and did homework, not that we had much.

I eventually crashed onto my bed around midnight, tired from our little pow-wow. Sleep tried to kidnap me, but I resisted when I heard three little words. Words the express affection in its deepest form. Words used everyday by the common teenager.

Words as simple as, "I love you."

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