October 20th

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It was empty- drained!

It was a beer can.

Am I driving with drunk, underage teenagers?

Is that why they've been acting so odd?

Did they get themselves drunk at lunch? Is that where they went? But where could they get beer with them being sixteen and seventeen?

They must have a connection.

Unless that's a soda can... I looked closer, trying to be inconspicuos. Yup, Bud Light. Empty and crushed under a history book.

But why could they possibly want to drink? Underage? And driving?

This is not good.

But maybe they didn't drink it. Maybe Austin leant his car to his dad or someone earlier.

Oh what am I saying!? I saw all the signs! My friends are drunk!

"Chris!" I exclaimed, tears threatening at my eyes.

"What?" he asked.

"Stop the car! You're drunk, you're drunk," I blubbered.

"Nawww," he protested.

"Yes you are! You are!" I accused, my hand latched onto his right arm. "Stop driving! Underage drinking and drunk driving are both illegal!"

"So? I'm not gonna get catched," he said like a four-year-old.

"But you might get hurt! It's not safe!" I cried. Waterfalls were pouring out of my eyes.

"Nhaaaa," he said, drawing out the "a" sound so it was really long word.

"At least pull over and let me off!" I said.

If I can't save my irresponsible friends, I might as well save myself.

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