October 16th

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October 16th

"W-w-what? Are you suggesting that I k-kill m-myself? That I commit suic-cide?" I choked out in utter disbelief. Why would he even suggest that?

"No! I would never let you do that. What I really meant was maybe my purpose back on Earth, is to guide you to your second life. Maybe you're... Maybe you're going to die an early death. And I, as your true love, are to help you through death."

I just stood there, a look of utter disbelief on my face. Is he suggesting that I'll die young? What a horrid thing to s-

He disrupted my thoughts. "I thought about telling you this theory for a long time. I knew it might scare you, but I had to warn you. It's probably my best guess. But I honestly don't want you to trust my judgement. Just don't be reckless," he warned.

"Yeah, I suppose that could be a reason," I said, realizing this possibility. It's not a cheery thing to think about, one's death, but now that I know life-after-death exists, it may not be so bad. Especially if I get to spend it with Jack.

"I'm really sorry for saying that, but I thought it was important," he mumbled.

"Thanks for the warning," I replied sheepishly. I went to give him a playful hit on his shoulder, but my hand sunk right through his ghostly flesh.

"Oh!" I exclaimed. It was an odd feeling, really. I had pins and needles in my hand. I felt so funny my hand shot back to lap as an impulse. Jack chuckled at my silly reaction. "What? I wasn't expecting to sink through your skin!" I retorted to his laughter.

"Most people wouldn't," he said happily. I smiled at him, but I also let loose a huge yawn.

"Sleep now, Tori," he said. His old nickname brought back memories from the good times, when he was still alive.

"You'll be back, won't you?" I asked, checking.

"Yes, but I can only appear sometimes. Other times, it just doesn't work. Not sure why..." he said, trailing off.

"So you'll be back?" I checked again.

"Yes, I'll return," he said, a smile on his beautiful face.

"Okay, goodnight sweetie," I said. Jack flicked the light, well he tried. His hand went right through. I laughed at his helplessness and got it for him. We attempted a kiss and I lied down in my bed.

"Love you, baby," he said. I fell asleep at the sound of his amazing voice.


Author's Note: Aww, aren't they so cute? A nice happy ending for the chapter. Okay, so I'm sure you've prpbably heard of the mass power outages in New England? Yeah, well I'm one of the people involved in that. As in... I'm on day 2 of no power. But fear not, I've been through worse. In 2008, we had the Ice Storm. I lost power for fourteen days. *sad face* So anyway, I have no wifi or computer. I would of had half the chapters I'm uploading today, up yesterday. I'm now at my aunt's house, using her wifi, while my mom does laundry. So uhh... This is for you guys, and the Watty Awards!... I JUST GOT MY POWER BACK!!!! YESSSS! (This last sentence was added after this chapter was originally written.)

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