October 17th

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October 17th

I woke up and light was streaming through my windows, which were open and letting the morning air in. My room smelt fresh.

I sat up and noticed I could see myself from the mirror. Boy, was my hair a rat's nest. I got closer and attempted to fix it so I looked somewhat presentable for breakfast. I headed downstairs and saw my parents seated at the kitchen table.

"Morning, mom. Hey, dad," I greeted.

"Hello, squirt!" exclaimed my always-cheery mother. She needs to learn that you're supposed to be groggy in the morning. "I have milk and bowls out. Select a cereal for yourself." She smiled warmly.

"Thanks, mom," I said and helped myself to some corn flakes. We had a dicussion about my cousins who were coming to visit in a week or so. Then we spoke about a fundraiser my school was doing. I then retreated back to my room for showering, hair, and make-up.

After, I packed myself a lunch because yesterday, I had discovered the school's were horrific. I was surprised that it didn't get up and start walking off my tray. Yeah, it was that scary looking. I'm not even going to start thinking about the taste.

I waited outside on the walkway, thinking the bus would come. But instead, Austin, Gabriela, and Cale picked me up, though. Today, Chris was seated in their car, too. Apparently, his had broken down and it needed a new part. Well, it was something mechanical like that... I'm not too good with cars.

We went to school just like yesterday. Except for the fact that I knew more people today.

I had a science lab that I'd already done at my old school. I helped my lab partner, Ted, to victory. We finished at the same time as Sheldon and his partner, Austin, did. All four of us were the first to finish. I felt acomplished.

I also had a test in world history. I passed with flying colors, considering I'd already learned the material last year.

Lunch was odd. I went to sit at the table with the guys and their respective girlfriends, when no one was there. I sat down anyway, and soon, Ted and Sheldon arrived. Meghan came a little later. She said the rest of them had gone out to eat.

I asked her why she hadn't left with Chris. She told me she needed to study. And so she did. All lunch, she had a book propped open in front of her for the history test she would be taking next period. I offered to help, since I'd already taken the quiz, but she refused, saying she had to put her "flesh and bones" into aceing it. I just shrugged off her weird way of thinking and continued my conversation with the other two.

We had the last lunch period. One class was after it. I wanted to ask my missing friends where they'd gone for lunch, I need to find some nice restaurants- I love eating. But I didn't have my last class with them. So after, I waited at their car for my ride.

Chris exited the building first. He was walking a bit off balance, but I'm guessing that's from just taking the history test. Sitting down for that long can do that to you.

Then, Austin walked out with Gabriela practically attatched to him. They reached me first since Chris was walking a bit slower.

"Hey, Vicky, what's up?" asled Austin.

"I asked you not to call me that," I said sternly.

"Oh yes, I forgot. Sorry. Brain fart," he said. Gabriela laughed loudly and obnociously at his use of the word fart. They seemed kind of... different. It's probably just because of their test though. They'll get over it.

Chris finally wandered over, mumbeling a, "hello" and getting into the backseat. Cale soon appeared, walking in the same fashion as Chris. But all four of them had just been testing for about and hour and twenty minutes. No talking and no moving from your seat. I guess I understand. Cale fist-bumped Austin, but got in the driver's seat.

"I'm sooooooo driving, man," he said.

"Whatevs, dude," said Austin. He and his girlfriend got in the back while I went to sit in shotgun.

We just sat there for a bit, like yesterday, waiting for the parking lot to clear out a bit so we could exit easily. We chatted about school sports. They seemed a little disconnected from the conversation, but I thought nothing of it, at the moment.


Author's Note: Well, if I had uploaded this on time, today would be my birthday! But uhh, October 17th is long gone. So yeah...

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