October 27th

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"How?" was all that tumbled out of my now-jumbled mind that had words and phrases zinging around inside it.

"Simple. It's not so hard to hire an assasin. Well, actually it is. But I had him put a poisin in Jacky-dearest's water jug. I had him empty it so there was only enough for one drink, too. He invited his parents to a dinner party with an old family friend they didn't remember -who didn't actually exist- and they went straight to bed when they got home because it was quite late. No water for them. An hour later, Jack was awoken by a tapping noise on his window. He saw nothing. He got up to get a drink of water. He downed the glass at the counter and put all the evidence away neatly. He sat on the couch to watch a quick television program, but he feel asleep as soon as he hit the seat. And soon stopped breathing." The image of the grinch appeared on my mother's face.

My mother... The woman who raised me...

...Who fed me and changed my diapers...

...Who helped me with bullies and friend troubles...

...Who was always comforting me...

...She was a killer...



"Mum, you didn't, did you?" I asked gravely. I stepped backwards subtly.

"Oh yes I did, and oh baby girl- did I enjoy it! When my murderer described that full story in detail, I laughed so hard!" She looked me straight in the eyes.

She killed my Jack!

Because she thought I wasn't living MY life correctly!

"Mom! You can't go off killing people you don't like!" I exclaimed. "It's just plain wrong!"

"Oh yes I can, hun, yes I can." The creep that was once my mother stared down at me.

"Does dad know about this?" I asked, astonished at her reply so much that I just ignored it.

"Nope! All my idea! He didn't necesarily like Jack, but he didn't hate him with the burning passion I felt, so I did it myself." She grinned wickedly.

"Mom, I've got to tell someone about this," I said quietly, looking down to my feet.

"You can't! Then you would just totally ruin the purpose of me killing him! I'd be taken to jail and I'd never see you grow up! You'd never spend your life with me! He would of died in vain!" she shreaked.

I looked up at her over my nose, "But it's your fault he died in the first place!"

"No, it's yours. If you'd never gone on that first date with him..." she muttered.

"Oh, so now it's my fault when YOU hired the murderer?" I retorted.

"Yes, yes it is," said my mother with a smug look on her face.

"No, no it's not! And you know what else? I'm gonna turn you in! Because you, you my dear mother, you have commited murder!" I exclaimed.

"Your own mother?" Signs of distress were appearing on her rigid face.

"Yes, mom. You have commited the most evil of all crimes and I'm not letting you escape. You're a mad woman!" I snatched my crutches from her and walked inside my home. She just stood there, shocked, watching her master plan shrivel up in flames.

I picked up the phone in the entranceway and dialed 9-1-1.

"This is the operator for nine-one-one. What is your emergency?"

"My mother murdered my boyfriend," I claimed.

"Okay, honey. Are you in danger now?" the operator asked.

"Possibly," I replied.

"And what is your current location?" she asked.

"221 Blood Road," I said nervously, glancing behind me. My mother was still outside, still fixed in the same position I'd left her in. Did she honestly think I wouldn't turn her in?

"How long ago was the murder?" she asked.

"A few weeks ago. The cause had been unknown. She hired someone to poison his water. He was Jack Sommers," I answered. "I just found out what had actually happened."

"Okay. Stay on the line. I've just sent out some police officers," she said.

"Thank you," I said.

"Keep talking, honey, so I know you're okay still," she said.

But as she said that, I looked out the open door.

And something was missing. More like someone.

And that someone was my mother.

The murderer was missing. And she could be lurking amywhere near me, now.

"Hun? Are you there? What's wrong?" sounded from the phone.

I saw a shadow creeping into my peripheral vision.

And she was holding a metal pan by the handle.

"Victoria, babe, I don't want to kill you. Then it would of been pointless to of killed dear Jack. I only want to knock you out and take you away so the police will never find us." She smiled wickedly and brandished the pan above her head.

I cowered down in horrid fear, realizing that-

I could not escape.

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