chapter | six

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

ch. 6 Oh shit in my tit

I slammed the door of my car shut, causing an echo through the quiet neighborhood. The people around this part of town weren't Rich nor poor. Just normal, that's what I liked it here, it was completely calming.

Birds chirped above me causing me to look up at the beautiful sky; the once bright yellow sun was now fading into an orange glow giving it and angelic aura.

I stood frozen, admiring the sky for a few more minutes before I realized that mom would be pissed if her pizza were cold when I gave it to her. With that thought in mind, I entered my house.

"Honey I'm home!" I yelled sarcastically and walked into the kitchen, I looked around and saw that mom wasn't in there.

My thoughts were disrupted by two loud thumps that had occurred upstairs, the thumps became stronger and louder and quickly traveled down the staircase.

"I'm coming baby!" My mom barged into the kitchen and looked around, her eyes finally landed on me, then zeroed in on the large delicious cheesy pizza in my hands. Mom stalked towards me and proceeded to snatch it from my hands. Holding it close to herself, in a protective like manner.

"My love, we are finally reunited. I love you so much." She quickly pulled the colored cardboard box open, grabbing the first piece of pizza and stuffed it into her mouth. Mom sighed loudly in the pleasure of the unusually amazing flavors the pizza created.

I pressed my lips in a tight line causing a small closed mouth smile to appear on my face as I watched her and her obsession with pizza, one day she's going to eat so much that she will be like a bowling ball and she will have to roll to get anywhere.

Hehe... That would be a funny sight. I sighed, beginning to become bored with the scene.

"Love you too mom," I mumbled sarcastically and walked upstairs to my room, leaving her and her Love alone.

I trotted over to my bed, grabbed my phone and plugged my earphones in, I tapped the screen violently and clicked on the first song of my playlist, then I turned it up full volume. Successfully blocking out everything and everyone. Music has always been an easy escape for me, and it always will be, simply because it took me away from the harsh reality of the real world.

+ + +

I opened my eyes to my dark room, I must have fallen asleep, and it was now night time. I brought my hands to my eyes and rubbed them, removing the sleepiness from my system. I looked over my bed and picked my phone up from next to me so I could check the time. The bright numbers appeared onto the screen, displaying the time 6.25pm. I pulled my headphones out of my ears and got up out of bed.

I wonder why mom didn't wake me up after she finished her pizza?

I decided to see where she was; the house was too quiet for my liking. I opened my door and walked down the stairs slowly.

"Mom, are you here?" I called out but was welcomed by a strange silence. Something felt off. I tightened my fist making myself ready to strike if needed.

Maybe she has gone to bed earlier than usual?

I strolled around the house and ended up with a result being probably being home alone. My stomach suddenly grumbled loudly, as hunger consumed me.

I made the decision that finding mom could wait for later, she probably just went to the shops or to see Greg.

I'm so hungry; I hadn't even eaten since the leftover pizza yesterday. What don't judge me, people, I was too busy being moms little food slave.

Walking into the kitchen and yanking the fridge door open, my eyes scanned the whole fridge for a satisfying meal.

I decided that I felt like a curry, so I reached out and quickly grabbed the microwave butter chicken dish, pulled the lid off and placed it into the microwave and set the time.

As the food cooked in the microwave. My thoughts began to drift, flooding my head like a tsunami. I leaned up against the kitchen counter and took a deep breath.

My life was a mess, nothing had ever been the same after what happened two years ago, I lost almost everyone and everything I cared about, but so did my mom.

She was just stronger than me, so she didn't let it change the person she is now. But I let it change me completely.

I used to be so so different, the complete polar opposite of who I am now. I was open and kind before; I was that girl in your class that was always bubbly and happy, now I was just felt nothing.

I was merely numb to the idea of anything or anyone new. I was so scared that if I let people in and see the real me, after all, It would just lead to them hurting me even more than I already am.

So I just block out anyone that could care about me or want to help me rebuild my shattered self.

Well, I blocked out everyone other than my mother, but in doing that, I left so much room for loneliness and darkness to consume inside of me. Space where love should be.

How could my simple life change so drastically over the time span of two years?

The microwave pinged, signaling that my curry was ready so I pulled it out and began walking up to my room. But just before I walked up the stairs the mirror In the kitchen caught my attention, for a few seconds there had been a small flicker of red & blue light, coming from outside.

My suspicious nature got the best of me, so I put my precious curry down on the table and went to the front door.

I slowly approached the door and noticed faint voices arguing quietly on the other side.

What the fuck? I yanked the door open and froze in my place at what I saw. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh, shit in my tit.

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