Chapter 3

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(Y/n)'s POV

"H-hey Ritsuka." I'll admit I was a little nervous. What did she think of me? She was still staring at me with wide eyes.
"I'm sorry I left you all those years ago. I didn't want to cause your family any harm-" She hugged me.
"I don't care! Just...don't leave us again, okay? Lindo was always looking for you but it seemed as if you just disappeared..." I hugged her back.
"I won't leave again, but will you be okay if..." She nodded.
"As long as we're friends, right?" I smiled and nodded.
"Oh, if you don't mind me asking...why did you just call him Rem-nii?" Ritsuka asked.
"He's my cousin but I like to think of him as a brother." I smiled warmly at him. He smiled back but it soon vanished when Ritsuka looked at him.
"Well, I'll be going now. Excuse me, bye (Y/n)." I waved then she left.
"You look happy," Mage commented.
"Uh duh, I met with a childhood friend for the first time in many years." The bell rang for class.
"Oh, got to go, bye guys. See you later." I ran out and grabbed my stuff. I hope I wasn't late for class.
"(Y/n) (L/n), you are late."
"I'm sorry (teacher name)."
"*sigh* Consider yourself lucky that you're friends with the student council. They'd probably report me if I was to put you in detention. Take a seat please." I sat down. Some girls were giving me jealous looks. But I was used to it.

~Lunch time~

I usually ate my lunch in the third library since I didn't have any friends...well, except for Ritsuka.

"Hey everyone."
"Sup," Mage replied.
"Hi, my little butterfly."
"Poor thing, always so lonely," said Shiki.
"Don't worry about it."

I sat down at the table. And as usual, I shared my food with everyone. I always brought a bit extra for them. They all dug in while I smiled.

"Rem-nii, don't you want any?"

He just smiled slightly and shook his head. *sigh* Uncle was always punishing him for not getting the forbidden grimoire. I spent my time reading some of the books in here.

"Is that all you ever do?" Loewen asked. I shrugged.
"I wish it wasn't."

He vanished. I could probably teleport out of here but I could only do short distances. I looked outside and overheard a few girls talking since the window was open.

"Why does that (Y/n) girl have to have all of them? It's so unfair, she's got the hearts of all of the student council. Just a deceiving beast dressed in human skin, I guess."

The others agreed. My heart started to ache. But not everyone thought about me this way, right? Right? I clenched my heart. Urie saw me and quickly carried to the sofa.

"T-thanks." Everyone looked at me worriedly.
"I-I'm fine guys...really." I tried to stand up but stumbled. Mage steadied me.
"No, you're not. (Y/n), get some rest," Rem said. I hesitantly nodded.

~After school~

I decided to walk home with Ritsuka.

"I bet mum will be really happy to see you," she exclaimed with a smile.
"I think so too."

When we arrived, her house was all damaged. W-what happened?! We looked inside. There were people in there...more like vampires. Maria was on the floor. Ritsuka tried to open the window but Maria said to go.

She ran to the entrance and got out her phone to call the police. But it wasn't working so she ran to find them. While she was gone, I went inside. No one got away with hurting the ones that were close to me.

"Oh, who's this? The daughter of the infamous (father's name) and (mother's name)," the one that looked like the leader said. I glared at them.
"!" The other two grabbed me and knocked me out.

~Some time later~

I woke up but everything was back to normal. Maria was missing. Damnit! Ritsuka came with the police but they left. She called Lindo to tell him about what had just happened.

"Oh and before you hang up...I think there's someone that wants to talk to you," Ritsuka said to him. What?! She handed the phone to me.
"Um hi?"
"Hi Lindo, I'm sorry for leaving you."
"I'm glad you're safe." We talked for a bit more before I handed the phone back to Ritsuka.
"Bye Ritsuka, I'll be going back home now."
"Okay, see you tomorrow." I left.

Ritsuka's POV

I wrote a note to mum saying that I've gone to Azuna's. I hope she was okay. I packed my stuff and called Azuna.

"I'll go to your house, you don't have to meet me...okay, bye."

I picked up my things and left. I was sorta scared. What if those people did something to mum? what if they came after me next? No! I shouldn't think like that. I kept walking until I saw the people that had kidnapped my mum. They grabbed me.

"Where is the forbidden grimoire?" one of them asked. His eyes glowed red.
"Oww, my eyes."

(Y/n)'s POV

We saw Ritsuka being held by the same vampires. Rem and I stepped out.

"Let her go."
"So you've come back."
"You know about before, I wasn't really trying."

I dodged their every move. This was too easy. Rem and I killed the two. Pfft, what a bunch of weaklings. Ritsuka opened her eyes.

"Huh? (Y/n)? Rem?"
"They ran off," Rem said.
"Good to see you're not hurt." We let her stay the night.

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