Chapter 14

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(Y/n)'s POV

"But my mother died at childbirth..."
"Ha! That's what we made you think. When visiting hours were over at the hospital, we killed her - of course this was when you were ready to go home. She could've lived on but in a sick state. I wanted your whole family dead. What's left of her now is her heart," he replied with a smirk. He pricked her heart.

My heart ached uncontrollably. Suddenly, there was a bright light. Nesta had done that. He had hidden my mother's heart. I steadied myself against the wall. Jek grabbed me and took me to Nesta.

"Now, I can finally kill you," he exclaimed. He took me and kicked my stomach. I fell and coughed up blood. Then he stomped on me.
"Such a weak little unlike your parents, although they were better off they are now. All that's left is you." A bright light surrounded me.
"You will not speak of my parents like that!"

I dodged his every move and kept attacking him. His eyes showed some fear, I smirked at this. But then, Jek held me by my throat. I...couldn't breathe... Nesta held a hand out.

"No, don't!" Lindo scratched his arm and kicked Jek. I fell but he caught me.
"(Y/n)? (Y/n)!"
"L-Lindo, thank you..." He smile gently at me. For some reason, Nesta had Ritsuka.
"Let her go." He looked at me and laughed.
"I'll hand myself over, just let her go." He thought about it.
"I know a way to get the grimoire even if it disappears. My father taught me."
"How do I know you're not lying?"
"Trust me."

He let go of Ritsuka. I pushed her towards Lindo. He left her in the care of Rem-nii. Lindo was fighting Jek. I laughed.

"What?" Nesta asked, suspicious of me.
"Did you really think I could do that?!" He looked extremely angered.
"Your courage and determination reminds me of your mother," he said while smirking.
"Why do you care if I resemble my mother?"
"I loved her but she loved someone else and tried to kill me!"
"Harsh love, you really think you're the only one experiencing this?!"

I suddenly remembered what Lindo said to me. I must've showed sadness and distraction because he took this chance to push me. I fell down the stairs but Shiki lifted me off the ground to stop me from rolling.


He held onto me while killing the weak vampires. But then, a forceful wind blew him out of balance and his grip on my body loosened.


I fell and braced for impact but it never came. Mage had caught me. He put me down. I couldn't save anyone...I was always the one getting saved.

The vampires came towards me but I killed them. Ugh, if they said that the vampires were becoming stronger than devils then they were wrong. Suddenly, Nesta hypnotised Lindo. No...Lindo wouldn't be controlled by someone he hated this easily. He was pretending...right? He had to be.

When he reached the top of the stairs, he stabbed Nesta's heart. Blood spilled everywhere. Lindo came back. Rem-nii teleported Ritsuka over to where we were.

"Its not over yet." They all looked confused. Nesta came back to life.
"Pierce the vampire king's heart and he'll die writhing in agony," Shiki said.
"He's hidden it," Rem added. I knew it!
"Where is it?!" Mage asked.
"As if I'll tell the likes of you!" Nesta replied, smirking.
"Be careful when finding his heart."
"Why?" Urie asked.

They looked at me in understanding. Nesta blew a strong wind towards us. I was gonna bump into a sharp piece of cement until I felt strong arms wrap around me. I looked up.

"Lindo?" He got scratched by the cement.
"I'm sorry."
"I chose to do this so it's not your fault," he replied.

I glared at Nesta. Where was it?! It was 12:00. A bright light surrounded Ritsuka. She started walking and grabbed the scissors. Then she continued walking towards a statue. She must've thought that that was where his heart was! wasn't. Nesta threw a boulder at her but Rem-nii destroyed it.

"Ritsuka, stop! Ritsuka!"

I ran towards her but the light hurt me. I continued anyway and grabbed onto her. She didn't stop and stabbed the statue - where the heart was. It was my mother's. The light faded. She fainted and fell but Rem-nii caught her.

Nesta was still alive. He smirked. He had finally gotten his revenge, huh? I clenched my heart in pain and fell to my knees.

"*evil laugh* The only way to cure her is with a true love's kiss," exclaimed Nesta.
"Why are you telling us this?" Urie asked.
"Because she doesn't have a lover and you only have 2 minutes left!" he replied, smiling in triumph - but evilly.

I coughed up lots of blood. He was right, I didn't have a lover. Everyone looked at me worriedly.

"1 minute left," Nesta said, smirking. Urie held me.
"Someone, please save her!" he said hurriedly. They couldn't save me. They didn't love me like that and Lindo loved Ritsuka...
"10, 9, 8..." Nesta started off. Suddenly, Lindo grabbed me and kissed me. I slowly closed my eyes.
"3, 2, 1, time's up and looks like she's gone," Nesta said.
"(Y/n)! Wake up please...I love you..." Lindo said with tears in his eyes. My eyes slowly fluttered open.
"Lindo?" He hugged me like today was the last day we'd see each other.
"What? No!" Nesta yelled.

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