Chapter 12

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(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up with a blanket on me. Rem-nii wasn't here.

"You're awake..." Urie exclaimed. My heart still had a little pain.
"Damn that exorcist!" Mage said, irritated.
"I-it's fine."
"*sigh* Do you not know what he has caused you?..." Shiki asked. I looked down.
"Come on." Mage took my hand and teleported us to where Rem-nii was. Mage threw a piece of a wall to him.
"A souvenir from Vienna," he stated.

I mentally laughed. They were talking about the forbidden grimoire and how it was never in Vienna.

"Devils value status and traditional above everything else," Rem-nii said.
"Rem-nii, that's not true. They're devils and they just want Ritsuka." Urie, Mage and Shiki were arguing about who got Ritsuka until Rem jumped into their conversation.
"Hands off the grimoire!" he exclaimed.

Then a strong blast of wind came our way. I blew it away with a small blizzard's wind. They kept trying to get Rem to confess that he liked Ritsuka. I laughed at their hopeless arguments.

"What?" they all asked.
"You all look so funny. Trying to get my 'brother' to confess."
"Whatever, it's not like I wanted him to. After all, if he does confess, I won't be able to have her myself," Mage said.
"She's mine," Urie added.
"The girl's mine," Shiki exclaimed.
"If you can't give us an answer, we can't trust you," Urie said to Rem-nii. They smiled at me before teleporting away.
"Rem-nii, I'll be going to check on them for a while."

He nodded. I hugged him then left. I went to school but only Lindo was there. He woke up when I came.

"Hi Lindo....." He didn't look at me.
"Where's Ritsuka?" he asked.
"I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?!" I looked away. This hurt, he really did love her.
"I need to find her," he said and stood up but it hurt him because of his wounds.
"Let me-"
"How can I trust you?" he asked with uncertainty.
"Lindo, just let me help."
"Go away, you devil." I quickly healed a bit of his wounds. He pushed me away. Tears filled my eyes.
"I loved I don't know why I did..."
"(Y/n), wait-"

I left. I was on a rooftop of a building, looking at the sky. Now that I confessed to him...what would he think of me? A cruel, cold-hearted devil? A liar? A nobody? I hugged my knees and sat there, thinking.

I should've just went back to Rem's place when they attacked my family. I shouldn't have stayed there crying like a weakling.

"(Y/n)?" Lindo came.
"Why are you here?"
"I'm sorry, I guess I was just mad that you defended Rem..."
"Wasn't it because I spoke like that to Ritsuka? Like what a devil would do?"
"No- I can't say it wasn't...but..."
"But what?"
"I- Nevermind."

He looked at me with apologetic eyes then left. Lindo, why?... I went back to the third library. I guess everyone was here.

"Where have you been?" Mage asked.
"Just talking somewhere."

They just shrugged and went back to doing whatever they were doing. I sighed and sat down. I looked at Rem-nii, he was deep in thought. I guess something was up. But I didn't bother asking.

"Hey guys, is staying in here all you ever do?"
"Probably, who knows?" Shiki replied.
"Don't you ever get bored?"
"Not if we have something to do...which is thinking of a way to get the grimoire/Ritsuka...and occasionally a bit of fighting," Urie answered. Really? I got my phone out and played music. Everyone looked at me.
"What? I'm bored."
"So I'm guessing you're not in pain anymore?" Mage asked.
"Not now anyway." He chucked a speaker at me.
"Thanks." Rem glared at him. I giggled and plugged my phone in.

~A few minutes later~

Everyone was dancing to the music...except for Rem-nii. He went to a separate room. I mouthed a sorry.

"(Y/n), you're my dance partner!" Mage said. He grabbed my hand and twirled me around.
"No she's not!" Urie grabbed me and held me close. Shiki snatched me out of his grasp.
"Oi! I'm not your rag doll!"
"Yeah I know, you're my friend sister after all," Mage replied.
"Friend sister?"
"Yeah, best friend/sister," Urie added.
"Then that settles it."
"Settles what?" Shiki asked.
"You all love Ritsuka!" I smiled. They all blushed.

(A/N): Sorry about the shorter chapter

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